(see also Vertical Files, "Other Organizations," for non-ASM material)
I. Major Files
A. American Institute of Biological Sciences 1946-80
B. American Type Culture Collection 1934-86
C. Bergey's Manual Trust 1935-86
D. Biological Abstracts 1934-50
E. Biological Stain Commission 1944-81
F. International Union of Microbiological Societies 1930-86
G. National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council 1937-85
H. UNESCO 1967-75
A. American Institute of Biological Sciences
1. Correspondence of Leland W. Parr, John E. Blair, Henry Scherp and John H. Bailey,Secretary-treasurers of SAB, 1946-53
2. Reports to ASM and American Academy of Microbiology, 1964-80
3. AIBS educational materials, 1959, n.d.
4. Clippings from SAB Newsletter/ASM News, 1937-
B. American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) (1925)
See also: Lore A. Rogers Presidential File; Archives of ATCC in UMBC Special Collections
1. Correspondence of the Secretary (I.L. Baldwin, W.B. Sarles, W.C. Frazier, L.W. Parr), 1935-50
2. Correspondence of the Secretary (John Hays Bailey), 1953-56)
3. Correspondence of the Secretary (E.M. Foster), 1958-61
4. Correspondence of the Secretary (Philipp Gerhardt), 1961-67
5. Correspondence of the Secretary (J.M. Joseph, B. Lago) 1983-85
6. Correspondence of Barnett Cohen, Archivist, 1946-51
7. Miscellaneous correspondence and memoranda, various provenances including R. E, Buchanan, H.J. Conn, W. H. Hammon, R.E. Hungate, 1934-59, 1971
8. Reports to CPC and Council of the Representative to ATCC, 1948, 1959-86
9. Advisory Committee to ATCC, file of L.S. McClung, 1966-70 -- includes correspondence and minutes
10. Advisory Committee to ATCC, file of L.S. McClung, 1962-73 -- includes correspondence and minutes
11. Published Annual Reports, 1962-79. See also bound reports for 1962-77 in book collection: QR64.5 A43
12. Catalogues and descriptive booklets, 1971-85
13. "The Packaging and Shipping of Living Cultures," 1966, 1970
14. Dedication of new building, 1964: invitation and brochure, history, tape of speeches by Robert E. Buchanan and C.B. van Niel
15. "Symposium on Stability in Dynamic Microbial Systems;" includes history of ATCC by R.E. Buchanan, 1966
16. Fiftieth anniversary, program and brochure, 1975
17. Workshop schedules, 1986-92
18. Announcements, ca. 1928-1973
19. Quarterly Newsletter, 1981-86
20. "Registry of Animal Cell Lines Certified by the Cell Culture Collection Committee," 1964; Supplements, 1965, 1967, 1968; "Viral and Rickettsial Registry," 1950
21. Clippings from SAB Newsletter/ASM News, 1935-1980
C. Bergey's Manual Trust (1938)
See also William C. Haynes Papers.
1. Reports of ASM Representative to Council, 1960-86
2. Letters received by P. Arne Hansen from Robert S. Breed, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, 1951-54
3. Correspondence of J. Roger Porter, 1956-59
4. Miscellaneous correspondence of L. S. McClung, contributor, 1953-67
5. Mimeographed reports of dinners and symposia at SAB Annual Meetings and outlines of classifications sent to contributors and friends of Bergey's Manual, 1949-57
6. History: memo of David Bergey to SAB Council regarding relations of SAB to Manual, 1935; letter of Robert S. Breed to Henry W. Scherp on the historical relations of SAB to Bergey's Manual, 1952; copy of letter of Robert E. Buchanan to R.G.E. Murray, 1970
7. Clippings from SAB Newsletter/ASM News, 1940-76
D. Biological Abstracts (and Committee on Biological Abstracts)
1. Correspondence of J. M. Sherman and Ira L. Baldwin, Secretary-treasurers of SAB, 1934-38
2. Correspondence of Ira L. Baldwin, 1939-40
3. Correspondence of Ira L. Baldwin, Secretary-treasurer, and E. G. Hastings, acting Secretary-treasurer, 1941
4. Correspondence of William B. Sarles, Secretary-treasurer of SAB, 1942-43
5. Correspondence of W.C. Frazier, Stuart Mudd, and Leland W. Parr, Secretary-treasurers of SAB, 1943-48
6. Correspondence of John E. Blair, Secretary-treasurer of SAB, 1949-50
7. Correspondence of E. M . Foster, Secretary of ASM, 1960
8. Correspondence of E. B. Fred, 1937-38
9. Clippings from SAB Newsletter/ASM News, 1935-49, 1965, 1969
E. Biological Stain Commission
1. Manuscript and mimeographed histories by H.J. Conn, 1949-ca. 1959
2. Copy of proposal for ASM representative discussed by ASM Council, 1981; bylaws, 1944; clippings and reprints
F. International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS)
1. Published histories by N.E. Gibbons and H. Seeliger, 1974, 1982, 1986
2. ASM Archives holdings, 1973
3. "History IUMS," file of Robert Watkins (deals with change to Union status), 1980-81
4. Statutes and organizational manuals, 1958-80
5. Reports to Council of ASM Representatives, 1967-86
6. Newsletters, 1963-70
7. Clippings including reports published in ASM News, 1951-76; publication brochure
8. Correspondence of John Hays Bailey, Secretary-treasurer of SAB, 1950-56
9. Correspondence of Robert Hungate, president of ASM, 1968-72 -- includes material on X International Congress
10. Correspondence of Morris F. Shaffer, president of ASM, 1970-72
11. Correspondence of Donald E. Shay, Secretary of ASM, 1970
12. Miscellaneous memoranda, mostly received by D. E. Shay, 1966-70
INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS FOR MICROBIOLOGY for Abstracts and Reports of Proceedings, see Book Collection
I. PARIS 1930
13. Program; typed anecdotes of Alice C. Evans, official delegate of SAB, n.d.; copies of correspondence of Robert E. Buchanan, official delegate of SAB, 1930-31
14. Correspondence of Sarah E. Branham, 1930-31
15. Preliminary program; banquet program: banquet guest list; general announcement; reception invitation and ticket; unidentified photograph; anecdotes by Alice C. Evans, n.d.; clippings
16. Correspondence of Donald E. Shay, Archivist, with those who attended the Congress, 1985
17. Final program; Congress handbook
18. Preliminary program; Prospectus of functions; announcement; opening ceremonies program; opening ceremonies invitation; banquet program; banquet seating list; Industrial microbiology excursions; proceedings of the nomenclature committee; forms, announcements,and tickets
19. Correspondence of Barnett Cohen, 1938-39; letter of Selman Waksman to E.B. Fred, 1938
20. Clippings
21. Preliminary programme, Final programme, List of members, clippings
22. Printed matter: 1st Bulletin, announcements and memorabilia, clippings; letter of 0lympia de Fonseca to Margaret Pittman, official delegate of SAB
VI. ROME 1953
23. Preliminary program, map of Rome, souvenir volume, clippings
24. Correspondence of Gail Dack, SAB President, w/ National Science Foundation re travel grants, 1953
25. 2nd Circular; List of members; Statutes of IAMS; forms; preliminary list of members: miscellaneous memorabilia; clippings
26. Program, list of members, Supplements 1 & 2
27. Banquet program; First circular; Opening meeting; Ladies' program; Congress Bulletin; Forms, announcements, and miscellaneous memorabilia; agenda for plenary session of IAMS; clippings
28. Program; list of participants; proceedings of IAMS business meeting
29. Miscellaneous printed matter: Information letters 1-3, social program; program of symposium on botulism; report of Committee on Virus Nomenclature; announcements, forms anc memorabilia; clippings; ASM application to NIH for travel awards; mimeograph letter of William B. Sarles, President of ASM, to Norman E. Gibbons, Secretary-General of IAMS, on Russian political accusation of US at Congress, 1966
30. Circulars 1-3; Proceedings of IAMS business meeting; program of inaugural ceremony; banquet program; misc.
XI. FIRST INTERSECTIONAL CONGRESS, TOKYO, 1974 [equivalent to XI International Congress]
31. Printed matter including program and list of participants, 1st and 2nd circulars, program of opening ceremony, proceedings of IAMS General Assembly, Congress newspaper, clippings and miscellanea.
32. Program, 1st, 2nd circular, forms, clippings
33. Printed matter: Circulars 2,3; exhibits guide, Congress newspaper, clippings, misc.; Press Kit
34. Text of three speeches by Heinz Seeliger, President of IUMS
35. Copies of correspondence from file of Executive Director, 1979-81
36. Circulars 1-3, Congress newspaper, press clipping, misc.
37. File of Donald E. Shay, Archivist -- includes material on IUMS archives exhibit
38. Correspondence of ASM Headquarters (A.F. Langlykke, Helen Bishop), 1972-73
39. Minutes and memoranda of the Bacteriology Section Council, 1973
40. Printed matter including program, 2nd and 3rd Bulletin, clippings, misc.
41. Announcement; proposal to NIH for travel awards
42. Miscellanea including report to CPC, 1975; clippings; announcement, 1971; and commemorative stamp, 1984
INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF SYSTEMATIC BACTERIOLOGY(formerly International Committee on Bacteriological Nomenclature) See also correspondence of E.G.D. Murray, 1927-29, under Miscellaneous Manuscript Collections; Presidential files of R.E. Buchanan and J. Howard Brown
43. Correspondence of and memoranda received by J. Howard Brown, 1930, 1937, 1939
44. Correspondence of and memoranda received by J. Howard Brown, 1942-47; 1949 memorandum
45. Proposed International Rules of Bacteriological Nomenclature, July 1939.
46. Program and Information; Abstracts /Trade Exhibition; printed matter: Nomenclature, 1949
47. Correspondence of John Hays Bailey, Secretary of SAB, 1953-56
48. Mimeographed memoranda of Robert E. Buchanan and drafts of International Code, 1957
49. Proposed revisions of International Code, 1966 (rpt, International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 16:3, 341-69)
50. Clippings, 1937-72; published history of Bacteriological Code, 1986
G. National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council
1. Reports of representatives to ASM Council and CPC, 1960-83; list of ASM/NAS members, 1985
>2. Correspondence of John Hays Bailey, Secretary-treasurer of SAB, 1952-56
3. Clippings from SAB Newsletter/ASM News, including reports to Council and CPC, 1937-74
H. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) International Cell Research Organization (ICRO)
1. Global Impacts of Applied Microbiology (GIAM) conference, III, 1969: correspondence of Donald E. Shay, Secretary of ASM, 1969-71
2. GIAM III: file of A.S. Langlykke, Executive Director of ASM, 1969-71
3. GIAM IV: file of A.S. Langlykke, 1973
4. GIAM: miscellaneous clippings, 1967-68
5. UNESCO/ICRO: miscellaneous, 1967-75
May contain reports of representatives to Council and CPC, correspondence, and/or Clippings.
Organizations included: