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Center for the History of Microbiology/ASM Archives (CHOMA)

Historic Manuscripts Collection

Biejerinck, Martinus.

  • Thank-you note to Jacob G. Lipman, 1925. In Honorary Member file. 

Bioletti, F. T.  

  • Notes for a lecture and laboratory course at the University of California, 1900. 1 folder

Birkeland, Jorgen M.  

  • Letters from Elizabeth McCoy and H.O. Halvorson, 1946. 2 items.

Branham, Sara.

  • Correspondence related to SAB, 1931-54. 1 folder.

Broadhurst, Jean.

  • Letters received, 1913-43. 1 folder

Brunogh, O.

  • Letter to T. Pfizer on antibiotics, 1951

Church, Margaret.

  • see Thom, Charles

Cole, Rufus.

  • Manuscript: "Remarks made at a dinner in honor of Dr. [Hideyo] Noguchi to celebrate his receiving an honorary degree from the Sorbonne, held at the University Club, January 15, 1926," 6p.

Craniotonic Hair Food Co.

  • Letter of advertisement on hiring a "bacteriologist," 1899. 1 item. In oversized storage

DeKruif, Paul.

  • Correspondence w/ Edward Francis and R.E. Dyer re Zinsser and typhus, 1941. Also, handwritten notes, n.d., same topic

Dodge, Carroll W.

  • Correspondence, 1924-74. 9 folders: 

 1. Correspondence with Roger D. Baker, 1944 

 2. Correspondence with Aldo Castellani, 1936-70

 3. Correspondence with Raffaelle Ciferri, 1930-64

 4. Correspondence with Norman F. Conant, 1932-45

 5. Correspondence with O. Da Fonseca, 1924-35

 6. Correspondence with C. W. Emmons, 1935-67

 7. Correspondence with Morris Moore, 1931-59

 8. Correspondence with Pablo Negroni, 1932-74 

 9. Reviews of Medical Mycology 1936-38

Dodge, Charles W.

  • Manuscript. "Making Diptheria Anit-toxin: An Episode in the Medical History of Rochester," ca. 1930

Engelbrecht, Mildred A.

  • Correspondence, 1950-56, 1970. 1 folder (8 items)
      Genung, Elizabeth F. 
  • Letters received, 1924-45. 1 folder (12 items).

 Hall, Ivan C.

  • Letter, 1975. 1 folder. Letter to L.S. McClung tracing his career in relation to bacteriology in California, 27p.

Hansen, P. Arne.

  • Correspondence, 1935-71. 2 folders:

 1. Correspondence on taxonomy, 1941-71.

 2. Correspondence with Sigurd Orla-Jensen, 1935-49. In Orla-Jensen Honorary Member file

Hudson, N. Paul.

  • Letters received, 1926-46. 3 folders:

 1. 1926-35
 2. 1936-40
 3. 1941-46
 4. 1927-43 (unarranged)

Isaacs, Edward R.

  • Letters received concerning dedication of Institute of Microbiology, Rutgers University, 1954.

Kendrick, Pearl.

  • Papers. 2 folders:

 1. Correspondence with past presidents concerning the President's dinner at the Annual Meeting of SAB, 1957

 2. Correspondence with Alice Evans, Sara Branham and others, 1933-44, 1973

Kleinberger-Nobel, Elizabeth

  • 1953-54. Correspondence on L-forms, 1953-54. 1 folder (3 items).

Lackman, David Buell.

  • Autobiographical notes on Q Fever; the Rocky Mountain Laboratory, Montana, U.S. Public Health Service; tularemia; electron microscope; research accomplishments, 1984-86. Also included are Curriculum vitae, copies of correspondence, 1932-41, and copies of clippings. 1 folder.

Lechevalier, Hubert.

  • Correspondence with Selman Waksman, 1950-57. 1 folder.

Levine, Max.

  • Correspondence on B. coli and other subjects, 1921-25. 1 folder.

McMickell, Gladys.   

  • (b. 1896) "Life History of Gladys (Anthony) McMickell," 30 pp., 1981.

Malek, Ivan.

  • Letters, 2 items. 1952-1975: Letter from Ida Malek(?) to Dear Uncle, 1952 and associated correspondence of Barnett Cohen; letter to David Perlman, 1975. In Honorary Member file.

Marshall, Max.

  • Papers. l Box. 1949-84 Bibliographies, reprints of papers on education, and correspondence with Ronald and Gerri Henderson, 1973-84

Murray, Everitt George Dunne (1890-1964).

  • Correspondence collected, 1927-29. 4 folders. Correspondence concerns bacteriological nomenclature and the International Botanical Congress. Many of the letters were received by H.R. Dean, Chairman of the subcommittee for the Section of Bacteriology for the Fifth International Botanical Congress, 1930. Murray, Lecturer in Pathology at Cambridge University, was a member of the subcommittee.  

 1. Aug.-Dec. 1927

 2. Jan.-Feb. 1928

 3. March 1928

 4. April 1928-1929

Pease, Herbert D.

  • Correspodence with Barnett Cohen, 1935-40. See also Barnett Cohen Papers.

Rahn, Otto.

  • Papers. 2 folders:

 1. Correspondence and broadside: "A Museum for Microbiology," 1949.

 2. Autograph collection, 1911, ca. 1939-48.

Ravenel, M. P.

  • Manuscript: "Personal Sketches of Some Bacteriologists I Have Known," 1940; letter from Charles A.Hunter to Barnett Cohen, 1941

Schorer, Edwin Henry.

  • Papers, 1917-20, 1966. 1 folder.

Spray, Robb Spaulding.

  • Papers, 1933-44. 2 folders:

 1. Correspondence with Ivan C. Hall, Elizabeth McCoy, L.S. McClung, and Robert S. Breed concerning the taxonomy of anaerobes, 1933-38, 1944.

 2. Culture list and culture records of spore forming anaerobes, ca. 1933-43.

Stanier, Roger Y.

  • Papers, 1938-54. 2 folders:  

 1. Copies of letters received from A.J. Kluyver, 1938-54
 2. Manuscript: "Taxonomy." 91pp., ca. 1949, and letter of Elizabeth McCoy to L.S. McClung, 1950

Starin, William A.

  • Letters received, 1938-43. 1 folder

Thom, Charles (1872-1956) and Margaret B. Church.

  • Correspondence, 1909-1942. 1 folder.

Wichelhausen, Ruth

  • Lectures on spirochetes and rickettsia, Johns Hopkins University (?), 1941

Miscellaneous correspondence

  • Letter from D.D. Woods (?) to "Carlisle," 1945; 2 letters to R.P. Elrod, 1941, 1942; letter of John E. Blair to ?, n.d.; note of John A. Toomey to Margaret Heise, 1948