William J. Hausler Papers
William J. Hausler, Jr. (1926-) received his A.B. and M.A. degrees in microbiology from the University of Kansas in 1951 and 1953, respectively, and his Ph.D. in microbiology and mathematics from the same institution in 1958. He began working as an associate bacteriologist in the Iowa public health laboratories in 1958; in 1965 he was appointed director of the University of Iowa Hygienic Laboratory, a position he held until his appointments as Director Emeritus and Professor Emeritus in 1995.
This collection documents Dr. Hausler’s activities in the American Society for Microbiology. The bulk of the materials relate to his service as Vice-Chairman and Chairman of the American Board of Medical Microbiology (1976-1982); Chairman of the Board of Governors of the American Academy of Microbiology (1984-89); and service as founding Chairman of the Committee on Laboratory Practices of ASM’s Public and Scientific Affairs Board. Dr. Hausler also served as an editor of the 3rd, 4th and 5th editions of ASM’s Manual of Clinical Microbiology.
Matters pertaining to clinical microbiology, including related issues of public policy, are of particular note in this collection.
SERIES 1: American Board of Medical Microbiology, 1974-82
The American Board of Medical Microbiology (ABMM) was established in 1959 under the auspices of the American Academy of Microbiology to test the expertise of microbiologists seeking to direct public health or clinical microbiology laboratories. Board certified Diplomates are adjudged capable to direct public health and clinical microbiology laboratories within their specialty certification.
1. [ABMM, 1974-76]
2. [ABMM, 1975]
3. [ABMM, 1976-77]
4. ABMM correspondence, 1977
5. ABMM correspondence, 1978
6. ABMM, 1978
7.1. ABMM [1979]
7.2. ABMM [1979]
8. ABMM Oral Exams, [1980]
9. Calif. AB 1086 [Assembly Bill, 1979-80]
10. ABMM, 1980
11. Dr. Arthur J. Starr [1980]
12. ABMM Budget [1980]
13. ABMM Recertification [1980]
14. ABMM Exams, 1980 [1979-80]
15. [AAM Bylaw Changes, 1980]
16. Dr. Viola Mae Young Lab, 8/1980
17. ABMM 81
18. ABMM 1981 Exams
19. ABMM Exec. Comm. Mtg., Sept/Oct, 1981
20. Registrar Title for ABMM, 1981
21. B.W. Wilcke, Jr. ABMM Exam Appeal, Nov. 1981
22. ABMM Status Reports [1980-81]
23. Diplomate Caucus ABMM [1981]
24. ABMM 1981 ACT Dr. Jon Casey [American College Testing Service]
25. ABMM 1982 [1981-83]
26. ABMM Logo [1982]
27. ABMM Harrington Appeal ’82
28. Isenberg Complaint [1982]
29. ABMM Dr. Michael Skeels Program [1982]
30. ABMM Atlanta March 1982
31. ABMM Reports [1980-82]
32. ABMM FY82 Proposed Budget
33. Nat’l Registry of Microbiologists [1982]
34. Fellowship Nom. AAM Dr. M.J. Winship, June ’81 [1981-82]
SERIES 2: American Academy of Microbiology
The American Academy of Microbiology is composed of distinguished scientists who have been recognized for excellence in microbiology. The Academy sponsors programs focusing on furthering the scientific and professional recognition of microbiologists and the science of microbiology.
Subseries 1: Miscellaneous Papers, American Academy of Microbiology, 1969-1982
1. Legislation Committee [1969-74]
2. AAM [1976-82]
3. BOG/AAM [1979-84
4. AAM/CPEP [1979-81]
5. AAM Symposium, Dallas, 1981
6. [ad hoc Committee on Diplomate Membership in AAM, 1982-83]
7. BOG Nominating Committee 1982
8. AAM Election (Dr. Brooke) WJH [1982]
Subseries 2: Papers as Chairman of Board of Governors, 1984-1989
1. Acting Chair AAM, 1983-84
2. AAM Committee Appointments [1984]
3. AAM 1984
.1 BOG ’84
.2 ABMM ’84
.3 Distinguished Fellow Program
.4 Tellers Comm.
.6 Ethics Comm.
.7 Ann. Mtg. Program Comm.
.8 Civil Service Affairs
.9 Accred. Stds. For Hosp.
.10 CPEP
.11 Nominating Comm
.12 National Registry of Microbiologists
.13 Membership
.14 Comm. on Elections
.15 College of American Pathologists
.16 Comm. on Allied Health Education and Accreditation [AMA]
.17 Civil Service Affairs
.18 Prof. Affairs in Clinical & Public Health Microbiology
4. Diplomate Caucus [1984]
5. BOG Mtg., Oct. 12 [1984]
6. AAM 1985 Budget
7. 85-86 AAM Committees [1984-86]
8. Committee on the Role of Doctoral Scientists in Accreditation, 1985
9. Membership Committee, 1985-86
10. Committee on Elections 1985-86
11. AAM Correspondence 1985
12. Board of Governors 1985
13. [Board of Governors Meetings, 1985]
14. AAM/BOG Directory (Fellows and Bylaws) [1984-86]
15. AAM Survey Results [1985-86]
16. AAM Survey 1985 [lists of respondents grouped by research interests]
17. AAM 30th Anniversary Article [1985]
18. Budget 1986 [1985-86]
19. AAM Correspondence 1986 [1985-86]
20. [AAM 1986] [loose materials which appear to have been in a binder. Plastic dividers are labeled as follows: AAM/BOG Agenda; Emeritus Requests; Corresp. to Chairman; Gang of Four; AAM 30th Year Exhibit; Awards Committee; Comm/Bd Reports; Hallum [Jules]; OSHA Hearings/Shankel Report]
21. [BOG meeting, Fall, 1986]
22. International Congress Manchester, England [1986]
23. Equivalency Exam, AAM [1986]
24. Medicare Hospital Regs 1986
25. Calif. Nurse Practices [1986]
26. Work Time Units (K. Cundy) [1986-89]
27. 1987 Budget [1986-88]
28. Awards Committee ASM/AAM [1987-89]
29. AAM Committee to Change Bylaws [1987-89]
30. AAM Committee on Microbiology departments [1987-88]
31. Use of Microbes Study Committee AAM [1987-88]
32. ABMM [1987-89]
33. AAM JCAH Representative: Clinical Specialties [1987]
34. 87-88 Correspondence
35. 87-88 BOG [see also Series 3 : Subseries 3 : Folder 8]
36. [Board of Governors Meeting, 1987]
37. [AAM & Board Reports, 1983-88]
38. Consortium [of Regional Clinical Microbiology Societies, 1987]
39. PT-CDC [Proficiency testing, 1987]
40. Personnel Regs 1987-88 Issues
41. AAM Budget 1988
42. 1988-89 Committees
43. Elections Committee [1987-88]
44. Annual Meeting Program [Committee, 1987-89]
45. Membership [Committee, 1987-88]
46. Nominating Committee [1987-88]
47. Public Affairs in Microbiology [Committee, 1987]
48. PEP (Postdoc. Educ.) [1987-89]
49. NRM (Nat’l. Registry Micro.) [1987-89
50. ABMM [1987-89; includes WJH recertification materials]
51. ABMLI [1987-88]
52. Distinguished Professional Achievement Award [1982-88]
53. AAM Critical Issues Workshops [1988]
54. 88-89 Budget AAM
55. 1988-89 AAM Correspondence
56. 1988-89 BOG
57. BOG Chair Election 1988-89
58. BOG Annual Report3/89
59. Misconduct in Science [PSAB document, 1988-89]
60. AAM BOG and Fellows Meetings, 1989
61. AAM Annual Meeting 1989
62. Committee on Future of Certification and Accreditation [1987-89]
SERIES 3: Other American Society for Microbiology Papers
Subseries 1: Miscellaneous
1. ASM Placement Committee [1967]
2. ASM Representative, EPA Advisory Committee on Drinking Water Standards [1971-75
3. ASM Correspondence, 1972-79
4. ASM ad hoc Committee on Microbiological Standards
5. [Board of Education and Training, 1979-82]
6. EPA Microbiology Workshop [1981-82]
7. ASM / Robert P. Williams [1981-82]
8. Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 4th ed. [1983-88]
9. Meetings Development Committee [1989-90]
Subseries 2: Public and Scientific Affairs Board: Committee on Laboratory Practices in Microbiology, 1979-86
Note: ASM's Public Affairs Committee (PAC) was established in 1973, and was superseded by the Public and Scienitific Affairs Board in 1979. Hausler served PAC on its task force on CLIA in 1979. He was founding chairman of PSAB's Committee on Laboratory Practices in Microbiology from 1979-1984.
1. CLIA 1979 [Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act]
2. CLPM 1980-83
3. BPSA/Lab Practices in Microbiology [1981-82]
4. [Clinical laboratory personnel standards, 1979-80]
5. [Clinical laboratory personnel standards, CDC meeting, 6/9-10/80
6. [Proposed Clinical laboratory personnel standards, by WJH et al., 1980]
7. [Responses to proposed clinical laboratory personnel standards, 1980-81]
8. Rubella serological testing / ASM [1980-81]
9. [Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Hospitals (JCAH), 1981-84]
10. Public & Scientific Affairs Board [1982-83]
11. HR 3722: FTC limitations [1982]
12. [NIH Research Safety Symposium, 1983]
13. Proposed Biosafety guidelines: Microbiological/Biomedical Laboratories, 1983]
14. [ICAAC, General Meeting Symposia on Diagnosis Related Groups, 1983-84]
15. PSAB [1983-85]
16. CLPM U.S. Dept. of Justice [1983]
17. CLPM / CAP vs. HCFA [College of American Pathologists; Health Care FinancingAdministration; 1983]
18. CLPM / Subcommittee on Microbiological Standards for Disinfection in Hospitals[1982, 1986]
19. CLPM 1984
20. ASM response to FDA on Milk Pasteurization [1984]
21. CDC Budget FY85 [1984]
Subseries 3: Council Policy Committee
By virtue of his chairmanship of the AAM’s Board of Governors, Hausler was also a member of ASM’s Council Policy Committee, the Society’s policy-making and executive body.
1. ASM/CPC 1984/86
2. Purchase of 2011 I St. (ASM Building) [1984-86]
3. ASM/CPC, 1985-89
4. CPC New Orleans, 10/86
5. ASM Commission on Clinical Microbiology [1986]
6. Indemnity of ASM Volunteers [1986]
7. ASM/CPC Strategic Planning Retreat, 1988
8. Annual Meeting 1988 Miami Beach [also contains some BOG material]
9. ASM New Headquarters Building, 1988
10. [CPC: Strategic Planning, 1989]
11. ASM Anaheim, 1990