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Center for the History of Microbiology/ASM Archives (CHOMA)

Meeting Boards and Meetings

Size:  20.5 Linear Feet
I.   Annual Meeting

A. General, incl. Programs and Abstracts 1899--


C. Annual Meetings, 1899-1994

II.  Other Meetings

A. Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC) 1961--

B. Conferences/ Conference Committee 1974--

III. Meetings Board and Director of Meetings

A. Meetings Board Records 1968--

B. Director of Meetings Records 1981--

IV. Meetings Board: Committees

A. General (Annual) Meeting Program Committee 1938--

B. ICAAC Committee 1989--

C. Continuing Education

D. Colloquium Advisory Committee

I. Annual Meeting

A.    General

1. Proceedings/Abstracts, 1899-1902; 1904-1906; 1908-1914 (from Science); 1916-1923 (from Abstracts of Bacteriology); 1928 (from Journal of Bacteriology); 1932-47

2. Bacteriological Proceedings, 1948-71

3. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting, 1972-

4. Programs of the Annual Meeting, 1899-

5. Bound volume of The Incubator, vol. 1 (1947) to 27 (1973)

6. Registration lists, 1925-63; attendance statistics, 1971-87

7. Abstract forms, ca. 1949-62 See also particular meetings

8. Duplicate Banquet Programs, Badges.

9.  Meetings Board Correspondence of Dorris Hutchison, 1967-69


C.    Annual Meetings 1899-1993

1. Photostats of report of meeting in the New Haven Evening Register, December 28, 1899

2. Annual meetings, 1914-19: tour information, Univ. of Illinois, 1915; announcements, 1916, banquet program, 1916, and chart of agglutination tests (found in 1916 program)

3. Report of meeting in Boston Evening Transcript, December 29, 1919 and related correspondence of the Archivist, 1977-85

4. Annual Meetings, 1920-21: "Report of the Secretary upon the Philadelphia meeting" (1921)

5. Annual meeting, 1922-23: program of the entertainment satirizing a meeting of SAB, 1922: banquet menu, 1922; printed letters and announcements by the Secretary, 1923; letter of H. J. Conn to L. S. McClung reminiscing on the satire at the 1922 meeting, 1955

6. Annual meeting, 1924-25: "A New Genus Omitted from Dr. Bergey's Book," entertainment, 1924; announcement of meeting, 1924; pamphlet,"Bacteriology at the University of Wisconsin, 1885-1925."

7. Programs from Smokers, 1926, 1927.

8. Annual meeting, 1928-29: announcements of meeting, 1928, 1929; banquet menu, 1929.

9. Annual meeting, 1930-1931: announcements; banquet programs.

10. Annual meeting, 1931: Clippings from Baltimore newspapers

1932: Ann Arbor, 28-30 December

11. Banquet program; program of dinner to commemorate the work of Robert Koch; program of informal conference on bacterial filtrability, life cycles and dissociation with notes (by Barnett Cohen?)on conference.

12. Correspondence of Barnett Cohen, Chairman of the Program Committee, with Malcolm Soule, Chairman of Local Arrangements, 1932

1933: Philadelphia, 27-29 December

13. Announcements; banquet program; duplicated letter of Theobald Smith to Dr. Krumbhaar, 1933, found in banquet program; SAB program satire, "This Bacteria."

1934: Chicago, 27-29 December

14. Announcements: banquet program

1935: New York, 26-28 December

15. Announcements; clippings from SAB News Letter; abstract form; reprint of paper by W.D. Frost and M. A. Englehart, read at Round Table on Identification of Streptococci  

1936: Indianapolis, 28-30 December

16. Banquet program; clippings from the SAB News Letter; clippings from the Minneapolis Star; text of a paper, "The Anaerobic Bacteria of the Soil," by Ivan C. Hall

1937: Washington, D.C., 28-30 December

17. Announcements; round table programs; banquet program; clippings from SAB News Letter

1938: San Francisco, 30 August--1 September

18. Banquet program; announcements; clippings from SAB News Letter; registration packet including tickets, announcements, round table programs

19. Clippings from San Francisco newspapers

1939: New Haven, 27-29 December (40th Anniverasary)

20. Banquet program; announcements; round table programs; clippings from SAB News Letter; clippings from New Haven newspapers; address by C.-E. A. Winslow published in Science

21. Statement of expenditures of program committee, George Packer Berry, Chairman, and copies of correspondence between Berry and Ira L. Baldwin, Secretary, 1940

22. Correspondence file of Ira L. Baldwin, Secretary, regarding locating living charter members to be honored at 40th anniversary meeting, 1939-40 -- includes correspondence of Arthur T. Henrici, President

23. Copy of certificate given to charter members. Original in Oversized Storage.



1940: St. Louis, 27-29 December

26. Banquet program; registration packet including information, tickets, and programs of round table discussions; clippings from St. Louis newspapers; questionnaire distributed by Program Committee with tallied responses; clippings from SAB News Letter

27. Correspondence of Barnett Cohen, Archivist, with J.J. Bronfenbrenner, Amand Ravold, Downey L. Harris, on the organization of a Round Table on the History of Bacteriology in St. Louis, 1940

28. Report of the Local Committee, J.J. Bronfenbrenner, Chairman, and the statement of expenses, 1941

1941: Baltimore, 29-31 December

29. Banquet program; announcements; round table programs; list of exhibits; financial statement of registration desk; clippings from Baltimore newspapers; clippings from SAB News Letter

30. Report of the Local Committee, Barnett Cohen, Chairman, and statement of expenses, 1942

31. File of Barnett Cohen, Chairman of the Local Committee, containing reports of the sub-Chairmen of the Local Committee, correspondence, and the registration list, 1941-42

32. Correspondence of Barnett Cohen, Chairman of the Local Committee, 1939-42

33. Manuscript of "Notes on Bacteriology in the Early Days of the Johns Hopkins Hospital" by William G. Macallum, delivered at Symposium on History of Bacteriology.  

1942: Columbus, 28-30 December

34. Announcement of cancellation of meeting; clippings from SAB News Letter; abstract form

35. Report of the Chairman of the Program Committee, N. Paul Hudson, 1942

1943: (canceled)

1944: New York, 3-5 May (National Wartime Conference)

36. Announcements; annual dinner program; programs of Round Table on Air-Borne Infections; clippings from SAB News Letter.

37.  Correspondence of L. S. McClung, Chairman of the Program Committee, with I. L. Baldwin, President, 1943-44 -- includes material on the National Research Council and wartime censorship

38. Correspondence of L.S. McClung, Program Chairman, with Mary B. Horton, Chairman of the Local Committee, 1943-44

39. Report of the Program Committee, L. S. McClung, Chairman, expense account, and memoranda from McClung to members of the Local Committee, 1943-44

40. Report of the Local Committee, Mary B. Horton, Chairman, 1944

41. Transcript of the program of the annual dinner, a tribute to C.-E. A. Winslow on retiring as editor of the Journal of Bacteriology -- includes speeches of toastmaster W.W. Browne, president I. L. Baldwin, Barnett Cohen, and Winslow. (2 copies)

42. Correspondence of Barnett Cohen regarding the Winslow Celebration Committee and the tribute to Winslow, 1944; Cohen's copy of introduction of Winslow

43. Transcript of the program of the History Round Table, "Recollections of the Early Days of Bacteriology in New York City," -- speakers include Augustus B. Wadsworth, Rowland Godfrey Freeman, Charles E. North, H. D. Pease, and Anna W. Williams


1945: (canceled)

45. Announcement of cancellation; letter of L. S. McClung, Chairman of the Program Committee on cancellation; clippings from SAB News Letter

46. Reports and correspondence of H.G. Dunham, local committee chair, 1945-46

1946: Detroit, 21-24 May

47. Announcements; banquet program; list of exhibitors; clippings from SAB News Letter; text of resolutions offered by Resolutions Committee

>48. Correspondence of L. S. McClung, Program Chairman, with H.G. Dunham, Chairman of Local Arrangements, 1946 -- includes copies of reports of subchairmen

49. Transcript of introduction by Ward Giltner of presidential address by James Craigie.

50. Report of the Committee on Local Arrangements -- includes copies of forms and correspondence and financial report

51. Draft of report of Sub-Group of the Planning Committee studying problems related to the annual meeting

52. Correspondence of Barnett Cohen concerning History Round Table and text of paper by G.D. Cummings on "Bacteriology in the Michigan Department of Health," 1946

53. Transcript of History Round Table on Bacteriology in Michigan -- speakers include Malcolm H. Soule, Ward Giltner, H.G. Dunham, A.S. Schlingman, Harry L. Clark, Joseph H. Kasper, Williant L. Brosius, Albert M. Shannon, Russell R. Palmer, and George D. Cummings.  

1947: Philadelphia, 13-16 May

54. Banquet program; list of exhibits; programs of round tables; clippings from SAB News Letter

55. File of Leland W. Parr including Council ánd Business minutes; correspondence; report of Program Committee; report of Committee on Local Arrangements; copies of The Incubator "first edition"; and registration list

56. Transcript of papers of History Round Table on Bacteriology in the Philadelphia Area -- speakers include C.J. Bucher, E.L. Stubbs and Florence B. Seibert. [Earl W. Flosdorf, William F. Wells, Thomas F. Anderson, and C. Roos: missing] See also Regional History--Pennsylvania--Folder 5

57. Correspondence of Barnett Cohen on History Round Table, 1946-47

58. Correspondence of Leland W. Parr, Secretary, and L.S. McClung, Chairman of Program Committee, regarding Annual Meetings, 1944-1948

1948: Minneapolis, 11-14 May

59. Banquet program; announcements; clippings from SAB News Letter.

60. Text of Round Table on History of Bacteriology in Minnesota -- speakers include Paul Kabler, Orianna McDaniel, M.D. Frost, H.O. Halvorson, Charles E. Skinner, and Charles A. Evans

61. Correspondence of Donald E. Shay concerning abstract and attendance


1949: Cincinnati, 17-20 May

62. Banquet program; announcements, registration list; clippings from SAB News Letter; clippings from Cincinnati newspapers

63. Report of the Local Committee, Merlin. L. Cooper, Chairman

64. Texts based on History Round Table on Bacteriology in Ohio and related correspondence of Barnett Cohen, 1952 -- authors include Leon S. Idoine, Rose Wirzikoski, Orton K. Stark, and William A. Starin  

1950: Baltimore, 14-18 May (Golden Jubilee)

65. Banquet program; announcements; registration list; "The Incubator"; clippings from SAB News Letter

66. Correspondence of Roger D. Reid inviting the SAB to meet in Baltimore, 1947

67. Texts of introductions by Barnett Cohen, President, of Detlev Bronk, Special Lecturer, and C.-E. A. Winslow, Annual Lecturer, and "Order of Events" for banquet

68. Correspondence of Barnett Cohen, Chairman of the Local Committee

69. Report of the Local Committee

70. Clippings from Baltimore newspapers

1951: Chicago, 27-31 May

71. Local Committee Report

72. Correspondence of J.H. Richardson, Chairman of local branch, 1951-52 -- includes material on local branches, and the Presidents and Secretaries Luncheon

73. Texts of papers presented at the Symposium on the History of Bacteriology -- includes papers by Stewart A. Koser, Thomas G. Hull, Milan Novak, C.S. Boruff and J.M. Van Lanen, John L. White, Einar Leifson, Guy P. Youmans, and G.I. Wallace

74. Program, banquet program,, announcements, clippings from SAB Newsletter

1952: Boston, 27 April-l May

75. Local Committee Report

76. Banquet program, registration packet, announcements

77. Texts of Papers from Symposium on History of Bacteriology in the Northeast Area and related correspondence of Barnett Cohen and S.C. Prescott, 1952 -- authors include S.C. Prescott, Murray P. Horwood, C.A. Stuart, Caroline Atwood, Frank E. Mott, E.R. Hitchener, E.J. Staff, Helen H. Gillette, Louis Dienes, D.L. Belding, John H. Hanks, Donald B. Johnstone, Philip L. Carpenter, G. Young, Catherine Witton, L.W. Slanetz, D. Wycoff

78. Clippings from SAB News Letter

1953: San Francisco, 10-14 August

79. Local Committee Report

80. Banquet, program, announcements, memorabilia, clippings from San Francisco newspapers, clippings from SAB Newsletter

81. Correspondence of John Hays Bailey, Secretary-treasurer, 1953; correspondence of L. S. McClung, Archivist, 1955

82. Correspondence of Barnett Cohen, Archivist, on History Round Table, 1952; text of paper on history of canning by J. Russell Esty given at 1953 meeting

83. Correspondence of C.S. Mudge, chairman of Round Table on History of Bacteriology, and texts of papers prepared following Round Table, 1953-54 (Tape recording of Round Table is stored with tape collection)  

1954: Pittsburgh, 2-7 May

84. Local Committee Report

85. Banquet Program, announcements, memorabilia

86. Correspondence of John Hays Bailey, Secretary-treasurer, 1954-55; letter from C.W. Christenson to Orville Wyss, President, 1954; manuscript notes of Chairman of the Resolutions Committee; manuscript notes taken by ? at business meeting

87. Text of speech by Robert A. Moore, "Recruitment of Personnel for the Preclinical Sciences," given at General Session, 2 May 1954

88. Transcript of Papers on the History of Bacteriology presented on 4 May 1954 -- includes papers on history of Bacteriology in Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia by William W. Leathen, M. A. Farrell, H.A. Wilson, John M. Slack, Charles Gainor, and George R. Lacy

89. Clippings from Pittsburgh newspapers, from Science, and from SAB Newsletter

1955: New York, 8-12 May

90. "Report and Recommendations by the Local Committee" (bound): includes "Incubator", announcements, banquet program.

91. Smoker and scientific exhibits program, program of symposium on taxonomy, program and summary of roundtable on analytical microbiology, announcements, memorabilia

92. Correspondence of the secretary-treasurer (John E. Blair, John Hays Bailey), 1949-56; list of discussion questions for Presidents and Secretaries Meeting (re local branches)

93. Texts of introduction and papers of Symposium on the History of Bacteriology -- speakers include Gustav I. Steffen, Marion E. Wislon, Wade W. Oliver, and Arnold H. Eggerth

94. "Design of a Visible Index" and registration data for Visible Index; related correspondence of Merrill W. Chase, 1955

95. Folders 95 and 95a

a. Folder 95: Press releases

b. Folder 95a: Press clippings from New York and other cities in the U.S.; clippings from SAB Newsletter

1956: Houston, 29 April-3 May

96. "Reports and Recommendations of the Local Committee for the 56th General Meeting"

97. Program of scientific exhibits, program of President's Reception, announcements, memorabilia.

98. Correspondence of the Secretary-treasurer (John E. Blair, John Hays Bailey), 1950, 1953-56 -- includes Report of the Committee on Resolutions and material on racial segregation

99. Correspondence of O.B. Williams, Chairman, Local Committee, with C.W. Johnson, Meharry Medical College, on segregation, l956

100. Press releases and press clippings; correspondence of Mrs. E.B.M. Cook, Chairman, Publicity; Clippings from SAB Newsletter

1957: Detroit, 28 April-2 May

101. "Reports and Recommendations by the Local Arrangements Committee"

102. Program of President's Reception and Dinner, announcements, memorabilia

103. Press releases and press clippings; clipping from SAB Newsletter

104. Letter of John Hays Bailey, Secretary-treasurer, to Fred Stimpert, 1954

1958: Chicago, 27 April-l May

105. "Local Committee Report"

106. Program of President's Reception and Dinner, program of commercial exhibits, program of scientific exhibits, announcements, memorabilia

107. Press re1eases

108. Correspondence of E.M. Foster, Secretary, 1958

109. Texts of papers of Round Table on Methods and Approaches in Soil Bacteriology

110. Minutes of Round Table on Microbiological Training of High School Students

1959: St. Louis, 10-14 May

111. Local Committee report

112. Program of scientific exhibits, program of commercial exhibits, program of President's Reception and Dinner, announcements, memorabilia

113. Correspondence of E.M. Foster, Secretary, 1959

114. Press releases

115. Press clippings

1960: Philadelphia, 1-5 May

116. Local Committee report

117. Program of scientific exhibits, program of commercial exhibits. registry of exhibitors, program of President's Reception and Dinner, announcements, memorabilia

118. Correspondence of E.M. Foster, Secretary, with Harry Morton, Merrill Chase and others, 1958-61

119. Printed text: Symposium: Lysozome as Related to Problems of Microbiology

120. Press releases

121. Signature sheets for banquet

1961: Chicago, 23-27 April

122. Local Committee report

123. Correspondence of Philipp Gerhardt, Secretary, 1960-61

124. Scientific exhibits, commercial exhibits, President's Reception and Dinner, announcements and memorabilia. [For program of Symposium on Marine Microbiology, see meeting program, 2-IA, Folder 4.9]

1962: Kansas City, MO, 6-10 May

125. Scientific exhibits, commercial exhibits President's Reception and Dinner, announcements

126. High School and College Day program

127. Summary of finances

128. Press clippings

1963: Cleveland, 5-9 May

129. Local Committee Report

130. Commercial exhibits, President's Banquet, announcements, memorabilia

131. Press releases

132. Correspondence of L.S. McClung, Archivist, concerning Symposium on History of Microbiology, 1962-63; program of Symposium and introduction by L.S. McClung, 1963

133. Clippings from ASM News

1964: Washington, D.C., 3-7 May

134. Local Committee Report

135. Scientific exhibits; commercial exhibits; President's Reception and Banquet; "The History of Microbiology in the Washington Branch of the American Society for Microbiology;" Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 54:4, April, 1964; announcements

136. Text of opening address by F.B. Gordon, President of the Washington Branch, on previous meetings in Washington; letters solicited by Gordon from Lore A. Rogers, Alice C. Evans, Leland W. Parr, Nathan R. Smith, and Max S. Marshall.

137. Correspondence of L. S. McÇlung, on the Symposium on History, 1963-64

138. Letter of Orville Wyss, President, 1964

139. Press releases and press and journal clippings

140. Clippings from ASM News

1965: Atlantic City, 25-29 April

141. Local Committee Report

142. Commercial exhibits; President's reception and banquet; key word index to program; press release; "Microbiology in New Jersey: Origins and Developments;" Science Film Theater; announcements, forms and memorabilia

143. Correspondence of L.S. McClung concerning Archives Committee Exhibit, 1964-65

144. Clippings from ASM News


1966: Los Angeles, l-5 May

145. Local Committee Report

146. Commercial exhibits; scientific exhibits; banquet; "The History of Microbiology in the Southern California Branch;" press release; program of Science Film Theater

147. "Microbial Considerations within Manned Aerospace Systems;" texts of papers of panelists to serve as basis for discussion session

148. Report of Banquet Committee, 1966; draft report of Committee on the History of the Local Branch

149. Clippings from ASM News, press releases

1967: New York, 30 April-4 May

150. Commercial and scientific exhibits; banquet program; announcements, forms, memorabilia, Science Film Theater program

151. Press releases

152. Clippings from ASM News  

1968: Detroit, 5-10 May

153. Local Committee Report

154. Program of technical and scientific exhibits; banquet program; information for exhibitors; Science Film Theater; announcements and memorabilia; Incubator

155. Miscellaneous correspondence of Raymond W. Sarber, Executive Secretary, 1967-68

156. Packet of information for students participating in Career Day.

157. Press releases

158. Clippings from ASM News

1969: Miami Beach, 4-9 May

159. Program of technical and scientific exhibits; President's Banquet program; Science Film Theater; announcements

160. Local Committee Report

161. Miscellaneous correspondence of Raymond W. Sarber, Executive Secretary, 1962-69

162. Press releases

163. Clippings from ASM News

1970: Boston, 26 April-l May

164. Program of technical and scientific exhibits; information for exhibitors; President's Banquet; "The History of Microbiology in the Northeastern Branch of the American Society for Microbiology"; minutes of the Round Table on Culture Collections; announcements and forms

165. Correspondence of Robert E. Hungate, Vice-president, 1970

166. Miscellaneous correspondence of Raymond W. Sarber, Executive Secretary; Report of the Registration Committee

167. Press clippings

168. Clippings from ASM News

1971: Minneapolis, 2-7 May

169. Local Committee Report

170. President's Banquet; information for exhibitors; "A History of Microbiology in the North Central United States"; Science Film Theater; ASM membership questionnaire; press releases; forms, announcements

171. Correspondence of Robert E. Hungate on the New Brunswick Scientific

172. Miscellaneous correspondence of R. W. Sarber, Executive Secretary, 1971

173. Clippings from ASM News

1972: Philadelphia, 23-28 April

174. Program of technical and scientific exhibits; information for exhibitors; President's Banquet; "Microbiology in the Philadelphia Area, 1960-1972"; Undergraduate Student Day Program; announcements, forms, memorabilia

175. Material concerning the "Philadelphia KIOSK" (history of microbiology) [Photos of kiosk material are in photo collection: "Annual Meeting, 1972"]

176. Press releases and press clippings (2 folders)

177. Clippings from ASM News

1973: Miami Beach, 6-11 May

178. Program of technical and scientific exhibits; banquet program; Science Film Theater; forms, announcements and memorabilia; copy of paper by Gross, Houghton and Senterfit (abstract #M21)

179. Correspondence of R.G.E. Murray, President, concerning President's Reception, 1973

180. Texts of President's Report and award presentations by R.G.E. Murray

181. Press releases

182. Clippings from ASM News

1974: Chicago, 12-17 May (Diamond Jubilee)  see also correspondence of Executive Director concerning Commemorative Stamp, 1-VIIIB, Folder 4

183. Program of technical and scientific exhibits; memorabilia; Conventioneer

184. Press releases (2 folders)

185. Clippings from ASM News

186. Reports of the Diamond Jubilee Committee to Council, 1972-74

187. Memoranda of J. Roger Porter, Chairman of Diamond Jubilee Committee, received bv L.S McClung, 1971-73

188. Correspondence of J.R. Porter with Asger F. Langlykke, Executive Director, 1971-73

189. Correspondence of J. Roger Porter, Chairman, concerning the Diamond Jubilee Medallion, 1972-74 (3 folders). Includes original drawings in oversize folder

190. Correspondence of Donald E. Shay, Secretary, 1970-74

191. Correspondence of Donald E. Shay concerning the Diamond Jubilee Medallion, 1972-74

192. Correspondence of A..F. Langlykke, Executive Director, with J. Roger Porter and others, 1971-74

193. Correspondence of A.F. Langlykke with J. Roger Porter concerning the medallion, 1972-74

194. Correspondence of L.S. McClung with J. Roger Porter concerning a commemorative stamp, 1972

195. Partial manuscript of "Chronicles," unpublished history of ASM by L.S. McClung, ca. 1974

196. Miscellaneous correspondence and memoranda of L.S. McClung, 1971-74

>197. Letter from Doris Murray, designer of the medallion, to J.M. Joseph, Secretary, 1974

1975: New York, 27 April-2 May. Tapes of session 166(Genetic Manipulation of Microorganisms) in cassette box: Miscellaneous

198. Program of technical and scientific exhibits; press releases; Continuing Education program; Student Science Day program; "Microbiology in New York City;" announcements, forms, and memorabilia

199. "National Conventioneer" (booklet of exhibit literature)

200. List of materials in historical exhibit

201. Clippings from ASM News

1976: Atlantic City, 2-7 May

202. Miscellaneous correspondence of Raymond W. Sarber, Executive Secretary, l976

203. Press releases

204. Information for exhibitors; "National Conventioneer"

205. Program of technical and scientific exhibits; announcements, forms, and memorabilia

206. Clippings from ASM News

1977: New Orleans, 8-13 May

207. Program of technical and scientific exhibits; President's reception program; announcements, forms and memorabilia

208. Miscellaneous correspondence of Ray Sarber, Executive Secretary, 1977

209. Press Releases

210. Information for exhibitors; "National Conventioneer"

211. Clippings from ASM News

1978: Las Vegas, 14-19 May

212. Information for exhibitors, "National Conventioneer".

213. Miscellaneous correspondence of Ray Sarber, Executive Secretary

214. President's reception program; exhibits program, announcements, forms, and memorabilia

215. Clippings from ASM News.

1979: Los Angeles and Honolulu, 4-11  (in conjunction with the U.S.-Japan Intersociety Microbiology Congress)

216. Information for exhibitors; "National Conventioneer"

217. Miscellaneous correspondence of Ray Sarber, Executive-Secretary, 1979

218. Program of technical and scientific exhibits; announcements; forms; memorabilia; "History of Microbiology in Southern California"

219. Folders 219and 219A 

a. Folder 219: Clippings from ASM News

b. Folder 219A: Texts from Focal Topic Lectures, Hawaii sessions

1980: Miami Beach, 11-16 May

220. Program of technical and scientific exhibits; Announcements, forms, memorabilia; "News Bulletin" (vol.1, nos. 1 & 2)

221. Information for exhibitors; "National Conventioneer"

222. Text of opening night address by W.T. London and B.S. Blumberg

1981: Dallas, 1-6 March

223. Program of technical and scientific exhibits; announcements; "Annual Meeting Journal (vol. 1,nos. 2 & 4); "National Conventioneer;" Clippings from ASM News

1982: Atlanta, 7-12 March

224. "National Conventioneer"

225. Press Kit, press releases

226. Program of technical and scientific exhibits; Announcements; "History of the Southeastern Branch, ASM"; "Annual Meeting Journal," (Vol.2,nos. 1-4)

227. Clippings from ASM News

1983: New Orleans, 6-11 March

228. Program of technical and scientific exhibits; Forms, announcements; "Annual Meeting Journal" (vol. 3, #1 & 2)

229. "National Conventioneer"

230. Press Kit; press clippings

1984: St. Louis, 4-9 March

231. Program of technical and scientific exhibits; forms, announcements, and memorabilia: "Annual Meeting Journal," (vol. 4, #1)

232. "National Conventioneer"

233. Clippings from ASM News


1985: Las Vegas, 3-7 March

234. Program of technical and scientific exhibits; announcements; forms; "Annual Meeting Journal," (vol 5, 1-4)

235. Press kit with press releases

236. "National Conventioneer"

237. Clippings from ASM News, 1984-85

1986: Washington, D.C., 23-28 March

238. Program of technical and scientific exhibits; forms, announcements and memorabilia; "Annual Meeting Journal," (vol 7, 1-4)

239. Proclamation of Microbiology Day by the Mayor of Washington, D.C.

240. "National Conventioneer"

1987: Atlanta, 1-6 March

241. Program of technical and scientific exhibits; "Annual Meeting Journal," (vol 8, 1-4)

242. Folders 242 and 242A

  • Folder 242: Press Kit  
  • Folder 242A: "Official Cartoon and Joke Book of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology"

243. "National Conventioneer"

1988: Miami Beach, 8-13 May

244. "Annual Meeting Journal" (vol. 9, #s 1,2 & 4); Technical and Scientific Exhibits program; Press Kit

1989: New Orleans, 14-18 May

245. "Annual Meeting Journal" (vol. 10, #s 1-5); Technical and Scientific Exhibits Program; "National Conventioneer."

1990: Anaheim, 13-17 May

246. Folders 246 and 246A

  • Folder 246: "Annual Meeting Journal" (vol. 11, #s 1-4); Exhibit Guide; announcements; copies of wall charts used in Archives exhibit; copy of special issue of "La Lettre de l'Infectiologue de la Microbiologie a la Clinique," devoted to 1990 ASM Meeting.  
  • Folder 246A: Press kit, including press clippings; press summaries

1991: Dallas, 5-9 May

247. "Annual Meeting Journal" (vol. 12, #s 1, 3-5); press kit & clippings

1992: New Orleans, 26-30 May

248. "General Meeting Journal" (vol. 13, #s 1,2,4); press kit

1993: Atlanta, 16-19 May

249. "ASM Meeting News" (vol. 1, 1-4 and Floor Guide); memorabilia, abstract form.

1994: Las Vegas, 23-27 May

250. "ASM Meeting News," list of audio tapes available; press releases and author summaries

1995: Washington, D.C., 21-25 May

251. "ASM Meeting News;" list of audio tapes available

252. Metchnikoff Sesquicentennial Session: Text of remarks by Debra Jan Bibel (with slides)

1996: New Orleans, 19-23 May

253. Preliminary program; attendee count by country; exhibit guide; press kit

1997: Miami Beach, 4-8 May

254. Preliminary call for abstracts

II. Other Meetings

A.     Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC) (1961)


Programs and Abstracts of ICAAC meetings were printed separately from 1961-1970, and together from 1971 to present. There are two separate Archives runs of these items, one in the Archives collection proper, and the other included in the book collection

1. ARCHIVES Programs: 1961; 1963-78; 1980-86; 1993

2. ARCHIVES Abstracts of Papers: 1961; 1963; 1965-1970

3. ARCHIVES Program and Abstracts: 1971-77; 1979; 1982-83; 1985-90

4. BOOK COLLECTIONS Abstracts: 1961-1970; Program/Abstracts: 1971-1985

5. Folders on ICAAC meetings, 1st (1961) to 33rd (1993): folders may include report of Meeting to Council, technical exhibits program, announcements, press releases, press kits, clippings from ASM News, "Conference Journal," memorabilia


6.1  Correspondence of Donald Shay, Archivist, with Gladys Hobby regarding Archives Exhibit, 1984-1985

6.2  Miscellaneous correspondence of Donald Shay, 1985

6.3  Notes on materials exhibited

6.4  Handouts distributed at meeting

6.5  Drafts of article on exhibit submitted to ASM News

6.6  General Historical summaries regarding ICAAC

6.7  Text of talk by George McCracken given at Silver Anniversary Symposium

7. Programs of antecedent conferences, 1946-60 -- includes 2nd-6th Annual Symposium on Antibiotics, 1954-59 [MOVED TO VERTICAL FILE: ANTIBIOTICS: GENERAL]

8. Agenda and minutes of Ad Hoc Committee (SAB, NAS, NY Academy of Sciences) on future of antibiotics conferences, 1960 (file of E.M. Foster)

9. Correspondence of Philip Gerhardt, Secretary, 1961-62

10. Correspondence of Robert E. Hungate, 1970-71

11. Certificate of Trademark Registration for "ICAAC," 1991  

B.     Conferences (Conference Committee), 1974—

(For Asilomar conferences, see Northern California Branch; for Conference on Endogenous Mediators in Host Responses to Bacterial Endotoxins [1979], see L. Joe Berry Papers, Series 1, Subseries 2, Folder 3)

1. Reports of Conference Committee, 1973, 1974, 1976; minutes, 1997; list of conferences, 1974-95, conference statistics, 1988-95; non-Society conferences for which ASM provided management services, 1988-90

2. Pasteur Sesquicentennial, New Orleans, 1972:

  • correspondence of Morris Shaffer, organizer
  • correspondence of D.E. Shay, Secretary
  • memorabilia
  • text of talks by Andre Lwoff, Morris Shaffer, Mike Foster

3. (Folders 3-26) Materials (primarily Programs and Abstracts) from ASM-sponsored Conferences and Symposia. One folder per year. For holdings, see separate listing, asmconf.arc (copy in Folder 3)


III. Meetings Board and Director of Meetings

A.     Meetings Board: General

1. Minutes, 1985-90; 1993 (including retreat); clippings from ASM News,1979-81

2. Reports to Council, 1968-89, 1992-93; clippings from ASM News, 1968-78

3. Correspondence of Dennis W. Watson, Past President, 1970

B.     Director of Meetings: General

1. Reports to Council,1981-87

2. File on IDSA/ICAAC/ASM relations, 1991-93 (s.a. 1-IV D, Folder 47; 13-IICS, Folder 30)  

IV. Meetings Board: Committees

A.     General [Annual] Meeting Program Committee

See also particular meetings

1. Reports to Council, 1938-74

2. [Minutes], Agendas, 1992

3. Program Problems Committee. File of L. S. McClung, Chairman, 1945-47, 1951-58

4. Program Problems Committee, file of Leland Parr and Henry W. Scherp, Secretaries, 1946-51.

5. Correspondence, memoranda, 1938-52

6. Correspondence of E. M. Foster, Secretary of ASM, 1957-61. Includes material on Division officers.

7. Miscellaneous correspondence and memoranda, 1988-93. Includes planning manuals

8. Clippings from SAB News Letter/ASM News, 1938-75

B.     ICAAC Committee

1. Agendas, 1989, 1992, 1993; minutes, 1997

C.     Continuing Education

see Board of Education and Training: Committees

D.     Colloquium Advisory Committee

​1. Minutes, 1997