I. Origins
A. Founding of the Society of American Bacteriologists, 1899
II. General
A. Officers (lists covering 1900-82)
B. ASM Organization: Official Appointments, Handbooks, Annual Reports 1936--
C. Colophon, Logo 1946-75
D. ASM History (drafts, notes, 1950, 1974)
III. Constitution and By-Laws 1935--
A. Constitution and By-Laws
IV. Council and Council Policy Committee (CPC)
A. Minutes of General Meeting, 1899-1924
B. Minutes of Business Meeting, 1925-1944
C. Council Minutes, 1934-1961
D. Miscellaneous CPC records, 1930-
V. Secretary-Treasurers (1899-1957) and Secretaries (1957-87)
A. Reports and General
B. Correspondence 1916-88
A. Financial Records 1916-87
B. Director of Finance 1975--
C. Finance Committee 1960-90 (includes ASM Foundation, Inc. and Foundation Committee)
D. Business Office (Williams & Wilkins) 1950-59
E. Audit Reports 1934--
VII. Presidents
See Separate Inventory, Part 13
VIII. Executive Director/Executive Secretary
A. Executive Secretary 1959-82
B. Executive Director 1968--
C. Associated Committees
A. Headquarters Office 1952-89
B. Headquarters Staff 1962-92
C. Headquarters Advisory Committee 1978--
A. Founding of the Society of American Bacteriologists, 1899
1. Correspondence on the founding of the SAB, 1899-1901 (includes correspondence of E.O. Jordan, A.C. Abbott, and H.W. Conn); letters of reminiscence on founding of Society sent by Abbott to D.H. Bergey, 1922, and by Jordan to Barnett Cohen, Archivist, 1935 (see also Jordan's Presidential file)
2. Correspondence of L.S. McClung, Archivist, concerning plans to write history of Society, 1982-85; draft copy, "Diamond Jubilee Chronicles," 1974 (title page, table of contents, table of significant events in SAB history, 1899-1916)
3. Typed copies: circular letter calling for first meeting; minutes of meetings, 1899-1904; constitution, list of members, (1900?)
4. Folders 4-41: Files on charter members containing clippings, reprints, biographical and bibliographical information. Includes set of note cards w/ biographical information compiled by Paul F. Clark, n.d.
A. Officers (See also Nominating Committee, 7-II J)
1. Summary of officers, 1900-1950; clippings of lists of officers from SAB News Letter, 1936-1949; list of nominees not elected covering 1935-50.
2. Lists of officers clipped from SAB News Letter, 1950-1982
3. Nominee statements and election results clipped from ASM News, 1974-86
4. Ballots for officers, 1959-92 (missing 1984-85)
5. "Duties of Elected Officers," n.d.
B. ASM Organization/ Official Appointments (includes lists of committee members, boards, etc.)
1. 1936-59
2. 1960-69
3. 1970-79
4. 1980-90
5. Miscellaneous organizational charts, etc. 1975, 1986
6. SAB Handbook, 1961
7. ASM Handbook, 1967, 1974
8. ASM Handbook, 1974-75,1978 (includes separate handbooks for Finance, Publications, Organization of the Society, ASM Foundation, Headquarters administration, Meetings, and for Scientific & Membership Services Committees and Representatives to Other Organizations); "ASM: What It Is, What It Does," n.d.
9. Officer's Handbooks: Secretary, ca. 1988; President, 1993
10. Volunteer Handbooks: CPC, 1988, 1990, 1993, 1994; Council, 1990, 1993, 1995; Committees, 1990-92; Finance, 1974,1992; Grant/Contract Solicitation Manual, 1992; Reimbursement Policy, 1993; Division Officers', 1993; Volunteer Handbook, 1986, 1989 1996
11. Annual Reports of the Society, 1989-1993. For 1987 and 1988, see inserts in ASM News.
C. Colophon See also Diamond Jubilee Meeting, Part 2 IC, folder 189-193; also Gerhardt file, 13-IIBY, folder 4
1. Original drawing of Leeuwenhoek colophon used in Journal of Bacteriology, n.d.; letter of C.-E. A. Winslow to Barnett Cohen, 1946.
2. Correspondence of J. Roger Porter concerning the new Leeuwenhoek colophon, 1952, original drawing of colophon, 1952-53
3. Correspondence of Robert E.Starkey, President, and drawings of proposed colophons received from members, 1964
4. Miscellaneous correspondence and drawing of colophon, n.d.,1975
D. ASM History
1. Barnett Cohen's notes for history, ca. 1950
2. L.S. McClung's draft of a history of the Society, 1974
3. Clippings and reprints
4. Membership statistics
5. Material regarding "This Bacteria"
A. Constitution and By-Laws
1. Reprints, 1935-1994; "master copy," 1961-63
2. Certificate of Association, Washington, D.C., 1947; Certificate establishing 501 (c)(3) status, 1975.
3. Correspondence of John Hays Bailey, Secretary-treasurer concerning a federal charter, 1954-55
4. Correspondence of. J. Roger Porter concerning a federal charter, 1955-1958
5. Revisions considered by Council and CPC, 1920-1969
6. Revisions considered by Council and​ CPC, 1970-1986
7. Proposed amendments submitted to the membership, 1916-1982
8. Correspondence of Leland W. Parr, Secretary of SAB, with Barnett Cohen and others, 1945-46
9. Correspondence of L.S. McClung with Barnett Cohen, 1945
10. Correspondence of Henry W. Scherp, Secretary of SAB, 1952
11. Correspondence of E.M. Foster, Secretary of SAB, with John Hays Bailey, 1958
12. Correspondence of J. Roger Porter, 1958-1960
13. Consent to Name Change forms (Council members), 1960; Certificate of amendment to Constitution; other documents relating to name change, 1960
14. Correspondence of J. Roger Porter, Chairman of Committee on revision of the Constitution
15. Clippings from SAB Newsletter/ASM News,1935-78
(See Records of Secretary for correspondence with Council and CPC)
A. Minutes of General Meeting, 1899-1924 -- includes account of the Annual Meeting by session and business considered by the membership.
1. Minutes, 1899-1909
2. Minutes, 1916; Council minutes, 1916; printed reports of the Secretary (A.Parker Hitchens) to membership, 1917; report of the Secretary for 1916
3. Minutes, 1919; list of members and visitors in attendance
4. Minutes, 1920; Treasurer's report [N.B.: for actions taken at 1921 meeting, see "Report of the Secretary Upon the Philadelphia Meeting...,"1-VB, Folder 1]
5. Minutes, 1922, including report of David Bergey's Committee on Determinative Bacteriology.
6. Minutes, 1923; Council minutes, 1923
7. Minutes, 1924
B. Minutes of Business Meetings and reports of officers and committees, Annual Meetings, 1925-44
1. Minutes, 1925: autobiographical remarks of William Trelease
2. Minutes, 1926
3. Minutes, 1927
4. Minutes, 1928
5. Minutes, 1929
6. Minutes, 1930
7. Minutes, 1931
8. Minutes, 1932
9. Minutes, 1933
10. Minutes, 1934
11. Minutes, 1935
12. Minutes, 1936
13. Minutes, 1937
14. Minutes, (carbons), 1938
15. Minutes, 1939
16. Minutes, 1940
17. Minutes, 1941
18. Minutes, 1944; report and resignation of the Editor of the Journal of Bacteriology (C.E.-A. Winslow) and associated correspondence of W.C. Frazier
19. Stenographic record, 1952
C. Council Minutes, Annual Meetings, 1934-46, 1949, 1951-61
1. Minutes, 1934
2. Minutes, 1935
3. Minutes, 1936
4. Minutes, 1937
5. Minutes (carbons), 1938; business minutes and reports (carbons), 1938
6. "Official Reports as of December 15, 1938"
7. Minutes, September 1939 (Council met briefly during Third International Congress for Microbiology); Minutes, Annual Meeting, December, 1939
8. Minutes, 1940; typed draft of minutes; mimeographed reports of the Secretary-treasurer to members of Council, September 30, l940; changes in the Constitution and by-laws
9. Minutes, 1941; list of new members
10. Records of Council actions and society business, 1942 (no annual meeting held); reports of officers and committees
11. Records of Council actions and Society business, 1943 (no annual meeting held); reports of officers and committees
12. Minutes, summary of council actions, 1944
13. Agenda, draft of minutes, 1946; annotated draft of Constitution and bylaws passed by Society, 1946
15. Minutes, 1949
16. Minutes, agendas, reports, 1951-1960 (incomplete)
17. Minutes, agendas, reports (file of J.R. Porter), 1951-1961
18. Minutes and reports, 1961
19. Agenda, reports, 1962 (File of Dorris Hutchison)
20. Agenda, reports, 1963 (File of Dorris Hutchison)
D. Miscellaneous Unbound Records of Council and CPC, 1930-1946
Nearly complete sets of agendas, reports, and minutes for all CPC and Council meetings from 1960 through 1975 can be found in the files of Raymond Sarber, Executive Secretary, 1-VIII A. Before 1983 reports to Council in the Archives collection were broken up by the Archivist and filed according to agency. After 1983 the Archives contains complete sets of reports for spring meetings of CPC and Council. The official minutes are those appearing in ASM News.
1. Notes of Leland W. Parr, Secretary, for conduct of business meeting, 1946
2. Committee on Policies and Procedures: correspondence of G. J. Hucker, Chairman, 1933-1935
3. Committee on Policies and Procedures: correspondence of Ira L. Baldwin, Secretary-Treasurer of SAB, and reports, 1934-35
4. Committee on Policies and Procedures: reports to Council, 1934-36; clippings from SAB Newsletter, 1935-36
5. Clippings from SAB Newsletter on Council Actions, 1935-46
6. Inventory of Council and CPC Records by L.S. McClung, Archivist, ca. 1961
7. Agendas, miscellaneous reports, minutes, 1951-64
8. Manuscript minutes of business meeting by E. M.Foster, Secretary, 1957
9. Agendas, minutes, 1959-78 (from office of Executive Director -- likely the file of Ray Sarber)
10. Agenda, set of reports, April-May 1967
11. Minutes and miscellaneous clippings from ASM News, 1975-80
12. Agenda, reports, minutes, April-May, November 1975
13. Agenda, reports, minutes, May 1976
14. Agenda, reports, minutes, May, November 1977
15. Agendas, reports, minutes, May, November, 1978
16. Agendas, minutes, May, November, 1979
17. Agenda, draft minutes, May, 1980; agenda and back-up, November, 1980
18. Agenda, reports and minutes, May, 1981; November, 1981
19. Agenda, reports and minutes, March, 1982
20. CPC Agenda, reports, Minutes, Oct., 1982
21. Agenda, reports and minutes, March, 1983
22. CPC Minutes, Oct., 1983
23. CPC Minutes, Jan. 1984 (special meeting re purchase of Headquarters Building; see also Helen Whiteley papers, Series 1, Subseries 1, Folder 6)
24. Agenda, reports and minutes, March, 1984
25. CPC Minutes, agenda, reports, Oct., 1984
26. Agenda, reports and minutes, March, 1985
27. CPC Minutes, agenda, reports, Oct., 1985
28. Agenda, reports and minutes, March, 1986
29. CPC Agenda, reports and minutes, Oct., 1986
30. Agenda, reports and minutes, March, 1987
31. CPC Agenda, reports and minutes, Oct., 1987
32. CPC/Council minutes from ASM News, 1980-1988.
33. Folders 33, 33A, and 33B:
34. Council/CPC Agenda, reports, May, 1991
35. Council/CPC Minutes, June 1992
36. CPC Minutes, October, 1992
37. CPC Minutes, May, 1993
38. Council/CPC Minutes, May, 1993
39. CPC Minutes, October, 1993
40. CPC Minutes, March, 1994
41. Council/CPC Minutes, May, 1994
42. CPC Minutes, October, 1994
43. CPC Minutes, March, 1995
44. CPC Minutes, May, 1995
45. Council Minutes, May, 1995 (for agenda and supporting documents, see Schlessinger Presidential file, Part 13 II CS, Folder 17)
46. CPC Agenda, September, 1995
47. CPC Agenda, draft minutes, March, 1996
48. Council Agenda, May, 1996
49. CPC Agenda, September, 1996
50. CPC minutes, Feb. 1997
51. CPC agenda, May, 1997
52. Council agenda, May, 1997
E. ASM Council Newsletter, 1996--
See also VI. Treasurers and Finances.
The Archives includes donated correspondence of the following Secretary-Treasurers and Secretaries: Ira L. Baldwin (1935-42), Leland W. Parr (1945-49), John E. Blair (1949-51), Henry W. Scherp (1951-53), John Hays Bailey (1953-57), E. M. Foster (1957-61), Philipp Gerhardt(1961-67), and Donald E. Shay (1967-74). This material has been filed by previous archivists by Society function.
A. Reports and General
1. List of Secretary-treasurers of SAB/ASM
2. Reports to Council and CPC, 1970-74
3. Clippings including Reports to Council, 1935-56
4. Requests to Committee Chairmen for Annual Reports, 1961-80
B. Correspondence of the Secretary-Treasurer -- Much of the correspondence consists of duplicated letters to members of Council and CPC.
1. Reports and memoranda of A. Parker Hitchens, 1916-22
2. Correspondence, memoranda of Ira L. Baldwin, 1935-39
3. Miscellaneous correspondence of Ira L. Baldwin and J.M. Sherman with Council, 1934-1941
4. Correspondence, reports to Council of W. B Sarles, W.C. Frazier, and Leland W. Parr, 1942-48
6. Correspondence of W.C. Frazier, 1943-44 -- includes minutes and reports to Council, 1943
7. Correspondence of W.C. Frazier and Leland W. Parr, 1944-46 (file of L.S. McClung)
8. Correspondence of Leland W. Parr with Council, 1944-48 -- includes reports of committees to Council, 1947, and report of Secretary 1947, 1948.
9. Correspondence of Leland W. Parr (duplicate set), 1946-48
10. Correspondence of Leland W. Parr, 1947-49 (file of L.S. McClung)
11. Miscellaneous correspondence of Leland W. Parr, 1946-49
12. Notes of L.W. Parr on membership, meetings, committees, appointments, etc., 1946-48
13. Correspondence of John E. Blair and Henry W. Scherp, 1949-52
14. Miscellaneous correspondence of John E. Blair, 1949-50
15. Correspondence of Henry W. Scherp, primarily with President and Council, 1950-53.
16. Correspondence of John Hays Bailey with Council and CPC, 1952-55
17. Correspondence of John Hays Bailey concerning Council and CPC, 1952-59
18. Folders 18 and 18A:
19. Correspondence of E.M. Foster with Spohn, Ross, Stevens and Pick, attorneys, concerning tax status and other matters, 1958-60
20. Folders 20 and 20.1:
21. Printed letters of E.M. Foster to membership of SAB, 1960
22. Miscellaneous memoranda of J.M. Joseph, 1977-81
23. Miscellaneous correspondence of Barbara Lago, 1984-88
24. Correspondence of Barbara Lago concerning new division: Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology -- includes signed petitions, 1983-84
25. Correspondence of Barbara Lago concerning new division: Medical Immunology, 1984-85
26. Correspondence of Barbara Lago concerning Alaska branch, 1983-84
See also Council minutes.
A. Financial records of the Secretary-treasurers and Treasurer
1. Summary of finances of journals, 1916-43, and of other Society income, 1924-43, prepared by William C. Frazier, Secretary-Treasurer, 1944; financial report, 1945
2. Annual reports to Council, 1966-87
3. Annual reports to Council, l963-78, and budgets, 1949-71, as published in SAB News Letter/ ASM News
4. Operating budgets presented by the Treasurer to Council, 1958-88, 1994
5. Correspondence of John E. Blair, Secretary-Treasurer, 1948-50
6. File of John E. Blair: "Financial Statements", 1932-50--includes original of report to Council for 1948 and financial statements, 1935, 1937-38
7. Correspondence and financial statements of Henry W. Scherp, Secretary-Treasurer, 1950-52
8. Correspondence of John Hays Bailey, Secretary-Treasurer, 1953-57
9. Correspondence of E. M. Foster, Secretary, with John Hays Bai1ey, Treasurer, 1957-61
10. Correspondence of E. M. Foster concerning the audit Committee, 1960
11. Correspondence of the Secretary (E. M. Foster, Philipp Gerhardt) concerning the Treasurer and Finance Committee, 1956-62 -- includes correspondence with Richard Donovick, Treasurer and Chairman of the Finance Committee
12. Correspondence of Philipp Gerhardt, Secretary, with Richard Donovick, Treasurer, 1961-62
13. Miscellaneous notes, memoranda, correspondence of Brinton M. Miller, Treasurer, 1983 14) Report on ASM investment fund from Brundage, Story and Race, 1962
B. Director of Finances (Controller)
1. Reports to CPC and Council, 1975-87; "Duties of the Controller," 1976, 1978
2. Documents relating to ASM tax status
3. Financial overview, 1996
4. Investment files: Policy statements for Colloquium, Awards, Fellowship, Strategic Reserve and Travel Grant Funds, 1996-97
5. Grants: final reports, 1989-96
C. Finance Committee. For Committee Manual, 1994, see Schlessinger papers, 13 II CS, Folder 54
1. Reports to CPC and Council of the Annual Meeting Finance Committee, 1960-61, and the Finance Committee, 1966-73
2. Annual reports, 1947-73, and miscellaneous clippings on finances, 1938-64, from SAB News Letter/ASM News. SUBCOMMITTEE: ASM FOUNDATION (1997)
Folder 3.1: Articles of incorporation, 1970; proposed bylaws, 1970; application for exemption and related correspondence, 1972; handbook 1975; certificate of dissolution, 1977; related correspondence of Robert F. Acker, Executive Director, 1976Folder 3.2: File of Dennis Watson, includes articles of incorporation, bylaws, minutes of Board of Directors, and correspondence 1972-73
4. Reports to Council, 1977-1986; minutes, 1970, 1985-90
5. Fund-raising report, 1989
D. Business Office
SAB set up a Business Office for collecting dues and performing other Society services through Williams and Wilkins in 1950. With the appointment of Ray Sarber as Executive Secretary in 1959 the agreement with W&W was terminated.
1. Correspondence of the Business Office of SAB at Williams & Wi1kins Co. (Francis C. Harwood, Business Manager) with Secretary-treasurer of SAB (Henry W. Scherp, John Hays Bailey), 1950-55
2. Correspondence of SAB Business Office with John Hays Bailey, Treasurer of SAB, and E.M. Foster, Secretary of SAB, 1956-57
3. Miscellaneous correspondence of the SAB Business Office, 1951-58
4. Correspondence of Henry W. Scherp, Secretary-Treasurer, with the Business Office, 1950-52
5. Correspondence of John Hays Bailey, Secretary-Treasurer, 1952-56
6. Correspondence of E. M. Foster, Secretary, 1959
E. Audit Reports
1. Outside audit reports, 1934-44, 1947, 1960-86, 1991-93, 1996
2. Report of the Auditing Committee, 1947-48
See separate inventory - PART 13
A. Executive Secretary, 1959-82 (Raymond W. Sarber)
1. Reports to Council and CPC, 1969-81; "Duties of the Executive Secretary," 1976, 1978
2. Correspondence of E.M. Foster with Ray Sarber, 1959-60
3. Correspondence of J. Roger Porter concerning the appointment of Ray Sarber, 1959
4. Council/CPC files, 1960-75. Includes correspondence, agendas, minutes
5. ICAAC files, 1968-81
6. Miscellaneous files, 1958-76
B. Executive Director, 1968-87 (Asger F. Langlykke, Robert F. Acker, Riley Housewright, Michael I. Goldberg)
1. Reports to Council and CPC, 1970-86; "Duties of the Executive Director," 1976, 1978
2. Announcement of appointment of Asger Langlykke, 1968
3. Letter and Reports, Search Committee for Executive Director, 1968, 1983-84
4. Correspondence of the Executive Director (Acker, Langlykke) concerning commemorative stamps, 1972-78
1. Correspondence, 1986-1991
2. Meetings files, 1986-92
3. Subject files, 1986-92. List of subjects at folder 7.1
4. Divisions, 1986-90
5. Elections, 1989-94
6. Strategic Planning, 1988-93
7. Gallup Surveys of Membership, 1986-95
8. Committees, 1977-88
C. Committees Associated with the Office of Executive Director
1. Public Communications (includes materials on antecedent committees: Publicity and Public Relations)(Press Kits for Society Meetings and Conferences are filed with the particular meeting)
2. Tellers
A. Headquarters Office
1. Correspondence of J. Roger Porter on establishment of a headquarters office, 1952-56
2. Correspondence of E.M. Foster, Secretary, on establishment of a headquarters office, 1958-59, ca. 1961
3. Report of Donald E. Shay, Secretary, to Council on purchase of 1913 I St., 1969
4. Appraisal of 1913 I St., 1968; brochure, n.d.; other documents relating to purchase of building, 1962-79 (includes leases for space at 1917 I St., 1974-76)
5. Reports and memoranda to Council and CPC concerning purchase of a new headquarters building, 1984-86
6. Clippings from ASM News and elsewhere, 1962-63
7. Materials relating to dedication of 1325 Massachusetts Ave., 1989.
B. Headquarters Staff
1. Memoranda of Philipp Gerhardt, Secretary, to Council, on Executive Staff meetings, 1962-65
2. Staff Newsletter, 1986-88
3. Personnel Handbook, 1986
4. Manager's Handbook, 1986
5. Orientation Handbook, 1987; Subscription Unit New Employee Training Manual, 1995
6. Clippings from ASM News on ASM Staff, 1970-77
7. Sections from ASM Handbook: Headquarters Administration, Operations and Membership Services, 1974; Publications, 1974; Finance, 1974.
8. Grant/Contract/Solicitation Manual, 1992
9. Position descriptions, Staff Directors and Assistant Directors, 1992
C. Headquarters Advisory Committee
1. Reports to Council, 1978, 1984, 1987, 1988
2. File of D.E. Shay, member: includes minutes, agendas, architectural proposals, 1984-1986
3. Agendas, Minutes, 1984-96
4. Meeting files of Executive Director, 1988-89