Note: Prior to its organization as a Board in 1994, Membership Services was a collection of otherwise unaffiliated committees which reported directly to the Secretary. When the Board was constituted in 1994, some of those committees were reassigned to other administrative areas in the Society. These new affiliations are noted below, and cross-referenced from the appropriate location elsewhere in the inventory.
I. General
A. Board Records
1) Reports, Agendas, Minutes, 1991-93
2) Board Meetings: Agendas, Committee Reports, Minutes, 1994-
3) Committee Appointments, 1994-95
4) Memos, Reports, 1994-
5) Strategic Planning Materials, 1996
6) Budgets, 1999-
B. Director of Membership Services
1) Report to Executive Director, 1987, 1988, 1996
2) Miscellaneous Memos, 1985-88, 1996; Minutes of Staff Meeting, 1996; Orientation for Incoming President, 2001
3) “A Brief History of the Activities of the Membership Board by Committee Since 1994,” 2003
II. Committees
A. Archives (1934)
Barnett Cohen, Archivist, 1934-52
1) Correspondence of Barnett Cohen with officers of the SAB, 1934-50; includes original letter of appointment of Cohen as Archivist, 1934
2) Correspondence, reports to Council, and accounts of Barnett Cohen, Archivist
3) Correspondence of Barnett Cohen on finding the Society's first Minute book, 1922-1939
4) Correspondence of Barnett Cohen on projected history of bacteriology in America, 1935-44; notes and archives lists
5) Miscellaneous correspondence of Barnett Cohen, 1935-49; correspondents include William Osler, Abbott, H. J. Conn, Milton J. Rosenau, Mathilde Koch, A.M. Stimson, E. R. Stitt
6) Programs of Round Tables on the History of Bacteriology held at Annual meetings, from files of Barnett Cohen, 1937-51
7) Archives accounts notebook of Barnett Cohen, 1935-51
8) Clippings, l935-52
9) Miscellaneous correspondence of Barnett Cohen as Archivist, 1932-52; 12 folders – includes correspondence with Paul F. Clark, Laszlo Detre, C. S. Dolley, Alice C. Evans, E. B. Fred, Simon Henry Gage, A. J. Kluyver, Herbert D. Pease, A. R. Ward, concerning T.J. Burrill, concerning Leeuwenhoek and microscopy, and other correspondents, A-Z
10) Correspondence concerning regional history project, 1935-52; arranged by state
Leland S. McClung, Archivist, 1953-82
11) Meeting agendas, reports to ASM Council, 1956-82
12) Memoranda to the Chairman, 1959-82; lists of financial contributors to Archives, 1980-81
12.5) Clippings, 1953-1987
13) Incoming and outgoing correspondence, 1953-91 [N.B.: series continues beyond McClung's term as Archivist.]
14) Correspondence of L.S. McClung concerning possible deposit of Archives collections at National Library of Medicine, 1967, 1964-82
15) Correspondence of the Secretary (Scherp, Bailey, Foster, Gerhardt), 1951-61
16) SAB agreement with Lilly Library, Indiana University, and related correspondence, 1960-1971
17) Conference on the History of Microbiology, 1964: programs with annotations to tape recordings, announcements, conference resolution, press clippings, reprint of article from Science, proposal to National Science Foundation, list of participants, place card verses, correspondence
18) Conference on the History of Microbiology, 1964: texts of papers by L. S. McClung, Paul F. Clark, Thomas Brock, J. Roger Porter, E.D. Weinberg, R. A. Greene
19) Correspondence of Morris F. Shaffer, Chairman of Ad hoc Committee on Archives Redefinition, 3 folders, 1972-79 on transfer of Archives to University of Maryland Baltimore County
20) File of L. S. McClung on Archives Committee's charge to redefine Archives: miscellaneous correspondence; memos, notes, reports; committee evaluations of various definitions; solicited opinions from non-committee members 1975-76
21) File of L. S. McClung on ad hoc committee on Archives relocation: correspondence; memos, reports; notes, floor plans, 1972-1976
22) Material relating to the search for a repository for the Archives book collection: Proposal submitted by Medical University of South Carolina and associated correspondence, 1976; proposal of University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1976; miscellaneous related correspondence; loan agreement with UMBC, 1976
23) Correspondence of L. S. McClung concerning shipping of ASM Journals and presidential reprints to UMBC, 1978-1981
24) Correspondence of L. S. McClung and speech at the Official Opening of the ASM Archives Collection at UMBC, 1977-78
25) Official Opening of the ASM Archives collection at UMBC, November 20, 1978: correspondence of David Perlman, speaker; program and other memorabilia
26) Official Opening of the ASM Archives collection at UMBC, November 20, 1978: correspondence of Ray Sarber, 1978
27) Miscellaneous inventories, n.d.; 1954
28) Donation appraisals, 1981-1985
29) Correspondence, memos, concerning local Branch representatives to the Archives Committee, 1962-1973
30) Responses to survey questionnaire on teaching of history of microbiology, received from degree-granting institutions, 1962
30.5) Correspondence concerning stamp collection of O. N. Allen, 1968-75;
Notebook containing slides of the stamps is in Vertical File: Stamps
Donald Shay, Archivist, 1982-1988
[Correspondence continued beyond Shay's tenure as Chair of Archives Committee. Duplicate carbons of correspondence from files of L. S. McClung were discarded. Shay correspondence also includes correspondence of Peter Hirtle, Toby Appel and Helen Zilinskas, Assistant Archivists.]
31) (Empty)
32) Correspondence of D. E. Shay concerning possible move of Archives to new Headquarters building, 1988
33) Center for the History of Microbiology: exploratory committee – reports, memoranda, correspondence, 1982-1985
34) Center for the History of Microbiology: agreements with UMBC, drafts, related correspondence, 1985, 1992
35) Center for the History of Microbiology: Advisory Board lists, 1985
36) Center for the History of Microbiology: Correspondence file of D. E. Shay, 1985-1986 (unsorted)
37) Annual Reports, 1982, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1988
38) Committee lists, agendas for committee meetings, 1982-1988
39) Budget materials, 1986-1987 [see also correspondence with Barbara Lago, ASM Secretary, and materials on NHPRC Grant]
40) Memoranda to the Committee, 1983-1988
41) Exhibit materials lists, 1982-1988
42) Dinner honoring 6th anniversary of UMBC agreement – list of attendees, memorabilia, remarks of Clark Elliott, speaker, 1982
43) "Birth of the Bug Hunters," proposal for traveling exhibit by Peter Hirtle and others, 1986
44) File of D.E. Shay concerning relations with UMBC library – correspondence, memos, 1984-1986
45) NHPRC Grant: original application and drafts; review questions and response, 1985-6
46) NHPRC Grant: correspondence, 1985-1988
47) NHPRC Grant: reports to the commission, 1987-1988
48) NHPRC Grant: working notes of Toby Appel, Archivist
49) NHPRC Grant: NHPRC guidelines and newsletter; sample grant applications
50) Survey of Corporate Historical Resources: form letter, 1985
51) Survey of Corporate Historical Resources: negative responses
52) Survey of Corporate Historical Resources: positive responses [for deposited corporate histories, see vertical file (Companies) for specific company]
53) IUMS Archives: file of D. E. Shay on agreement for deposit of Archives in CHOM, 1985-1986
54) IUMS Archives: original box-file lists, 1986(?)
55) IUMS Archives: Correspondence with Heinz Seeliger, 1982-1993
56) IUMS Archives: Correspondence with Stuart Glover, Secretary-General, 1986-1991
57) IUMS Archives: Correspondence with Graham Stuart, Treasurer, 1987-1992
58) IUMS Archives: Correspondence with Peter Sneath, 1991-1992
59) IUMS Archives: Correspondence with Sarah Jakeman, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 1991-1992
James A. Poupard (1988-1993)
60) Reports, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1993
61) Agendas, minutes, 1989-1993
62) Memos to committee, 1988-1993; committee lists, 1991-1993
63) Display materials, 1990-1993
64) Correspondence, 1988-1993; includes folder of correspondence related to CHOM Advisory Board, 1991, and folder of correspondence from L. S. McClung, 1988-89
65) Responses to questionnaire about centennial commemorative stamp, 1992
66) Biological Warfare Conference, 1990: NSF grant proposal, evaluations, related correspondence, 1989-1990
67) Biological Warfare Conference, 1990: invited and attending guest lists; publicity materials, 1990
68) Biological Warfare Conference, 1990: Programs, brochures, clippings
Joan Bennett (1993-94)
Note: Upon the resignation of James Poupard as Committee Chair in 1993, Joan Bennett, Chair of the ad hoc Committee on the Status of the Archives, also served as interim Chair of the Archives Committee. Included here is correspondence of Jeff Karr, Archivist (a staff position created in 1993)
69) Correspondence, 1993
70) Ad hoc Committee on the Status of the Archives: correspondence of Joan W. Bennett, Chair, 1992-94
71) Ad hoc Committee on the Status of the Archives: agenda, notes, reports, 1993-94
72) Log of reference requests, 1986-93 (see also computer file, "inforeq. 93, 94…," etc for subsequent material)
73) Minutes, Archives Committee meeting, 1994
William Summers (1994- )
74) Correspondence of the Archivist, 1994
75) Correspondence of William Summers, Chair, 1995
76) Correspondence of the Archivist, 1995
77) Committee meeting minutes, 1995-96
78) Correspondence of the Archivist, 1996
C. Branch Organization
Committee established ca. 1982. For earlier materials relating to National governance of Branches, see Part 11, 1A-C; for files on individual Branches, see Part 11, 2A-AK
1) Reports to Council, 1982-87
2) Minutes, memoranda, 1984-; article on Branch Regional Initiative, (1997?)
3) Report of ad hoc Committee on Branches, 1981
4) Lists of Branch representatives, 1992-93, 1996; officers, 1982-85; list of newsletter editors and boundaries by zip code, 1985 (includes state maps)
5) Proposed Branch Meetings, 1989, 1991, 1992
6) Summary of Branch Presidents and Secretaries Luncheon, 1988 Branch Leadership Workshop, agenda, 1994; 1999-
7) Florida/Southeastern Branch Boundary dispute, 1986-88 (file of Merry Sloane, Coordinator of Branch Activities)
8) Surveys of Branch Officers and Members, 1985-90
9) Correspondence concerning Student Chapters, 1984-97 (includes some constitutions)
10) Branch manuals, 1984-; binders of information on Branches and on ASM prepared by OBA for distribution to Branch officers and others
11) Materials for Committee retreat, 1999, 2000
D. Ethical Practices (part of PSAB, 1984; now a "free-floating" committee, associated with the CPC) See also L. Joe Berry Papers, Series 2, Subseries 5, 1982-85
1) Report of (antecedent) ad hoc Committee on Ethics, 1983; minutes, 1984; Annual reports, 1985-88; correspondence of Donald Shay, 1985-1987
2) File of John Sherris on Ethics Committee, 1978-84
E. [deleted]
F. Foundation for Microbiology Lectures
1) Reports to Council, 1965-80, 1986, 1989; Rules & Procedures, 1989, 1993
2) Minutes, 1993-
3) Correspondence of Robert L. Starkey on founding of lectures, 1962-63
4) Clippings from ASM News, 1964-75
5) Annual report of Foundation for Microbiology, 1966; correspondence of L. S. McClung with Selman Waksman, l961
6) Lists of lecturers, lecturer information forms, 1988-1994
7) Graduate Student Travel Award recipients, 1990
8) ASM Funding Requests to Foundation, 1987/88, 1988/90-1992/93
G. Honors
(Now part of Office of Executive Director – Council of Past Presidents)
The committee nominates microbiologists for honorary membership and recommends microbiologists for awards by external agencies. See also New Brunswick Lecture under Awards.
1) Reports to Council and CPC, 1969; misc. correspondence from the files of Joe Joseph, 1968-77
2) Correspondence of Ira L. Baldwin and William B. Sarles, 1935-42
3) Correspondence of Charles A. Evans, Chairman, 1963-67
4) Correspondence of Reino Kallio on ONR and New Brunswick Lectures, 1964
5) Correspondence of Dennis W. Watson, 1970-72
6) Correspondence of Morris F. Shaffer, 1974-79
7) Correspondence, 1984
8) ASM Lecture: letter of J. M. Sherman to Perry W. Wilson, 1950: clipping, 1946
9) New Brunswick Lecturer: correspondence of Dennis W. Watson. 1969-72; miscellaneous correspondence from lecturers, 1972
10) Clippings from SAB News letter/ASM News, 1935-
11) Honorary member files: includes for each honorary member correspondence on election as honorary member, clippings, curriculum vitae, obituaries, biographical information, miscellaneous reprints.
12) Material on nomination of Ray Sarber for honorary membership, 1980
13) Correspondence regarding benefits for honorary members, 1982-86
14) Lists of honorary members used to update ASM directories, n.d., 1992
15) Material on nomination of Sam Schaeffler for honorary membership (file of L. S. McClung)
H. Membership
For Honorary members, see Honors Committee.
1) Reports to Council, 1960-89; 1992-94
2) Minutes, agendas, 1985, 1989-90, 1993-
3) Miscellaneous correspondence, 1934-66, 1986; includes memorandum by C.-E.A. Winslow, 1934; mimeographed memorandum of I. L. Baldwin, 1941; correspondence of John Hays Bailey, 1954-66, and correspondence of E. M. Foster, 1957-61
4) Clippings concerning membership directory, 1937-76
5) Directories, 1900-1992 (list in box)
6) Information on growth of membership, 1939, 1957, 1977, 1983; information on members in Latin American countries, 1982
7) Membership surveys: 1955; 1971; 1979 (NIAID Contract); student, 1988, 1993; new member, 1993-96; lapsed member, 1994-96
8) Nomination forms for membership, 1908-1993
9) Membership memorabilia: cards, dues notices, membership certificates, new member kits, 1926, 1961-96; includes acknowledgement of election card, 1926
10) Clippings from SAB Newsletter/ASM News, 1937-; includes articles based on 1970 membership survey
11) Student membership: Correspondence of John Hays Bailey, 1953-55; file of Merry Sloane re Student Chapters, 1984-1990
12) Student membership: Clippings from ASM News, 1963-71
13) 40- and 50-year members: Correspondence of the Archivist, certificate, and clippings, 1974-82
14) Emeritus membership: lists, 1941-71
15) Emeritus membership: Clippings from SAB Newsletter/ASM News, 1947-
16) Deceased members: Clippings from SAB Newsletter/ASM News, 1936-
17) Insurance plan for members: reports to Council, 1970, 1972, 1981; clippings, 1964, 1970-73
18) Proposal, reports, of International Marketing Group on membership drive, ca. 1983
19) Outreach programs: 6-month trial membership, 1993-95; non-member ICAAC attendee, 1993-98; non-member author, 1993-95; non-member GM attendee, 1998; Membership Marketing Plan, 1996; Full Member Retention Program, 1997
20) Student membership subcommittee: Annual reports, 1990, 1993-94; minutes, agendas, 1994-; survey, 1992, 1999
21) Focus Group Reports: Members, 1995; Students, 1996; Sustaining, Student and International Members, 1997
I. Sustaining Members
1) Sustaining members: miscellaneous correspondence of the Secretary (I. L. Baldwin, John E. Blair, John Hays Bailey), 1939-54
2) Sustaining members: Announcements to become a sustaining member, ca. 1920 90; list of sustaining members, 1922-1950, including notes, 1995; brochures, n.d.
3) Sustaining members: Clippings from SAB Newsletter/ASM News, 1935-78
4) Minutes, 1988, 1997- ; reports, 1988-90
5) File of Lorna Kent, Director Membership Services, 1984-88
6) Proposed marketing plan, 1990
7) Strategic Issues Forum, 1997; Platinum & Gold Member Forum, 1998
J. Nominating
(This committee nominates candidates for elective offices. Now associated with Office of Executive Director) (See also General, 1-II A)
1) Correspondence of Barnett Cohen, 1944-45
2) Miscellaneous correspondence, 1982; includes committee members, 1976-85
3) "Nominees for Vice President, Not Elected" (1923-50), ca. 1950; "Vice Presidential Nominees, 1955-85," 1986
4) Nomination by petition of Norman Shaughnessy, 1959
5) Correspondence of J. M. Joseph, Secretary of ASM, on nomination by petition of President-elect Jean E. Brenchley, 1984; includes curriculum vitae and petition
6) Clippings from SAB News Letter/ASM News, 1935-78
K. Placement (1957) and Employment Bureau
1) File of the SAB Business Office, 1951-52; includes material on the Register of Microbiologists
2) Clippings on the Employment (Placement) Bureau from the SAB News Letter/ASM News, 1935-78, including reports to Council; notices 1951-52; timeline of employment bureau activities from 1919-1975, 1993
3) Reports to Council, 1955-89
4) Announcements and forms, 1942-92
5) Statistics, ca. 1988; surveys of employers and applicants, 1996-
6) File of R. W. Sarber, Executive Secretary, 1959-80
7) Minutes, 1996-
L. Underrepresented Members (1998)
1) Proposal to establish committee, 1997; Minutes, Strategic Plan, 1998
M. International Membership
1) Minutes, 1998-; proposal for International Ambassador Program, 1998
2) Strategic Plan, 1998
N. Divisions
1) Minutes, 1994-
2) Division Leadership Workshop, 1993
3) Subcommittee on Divisional Restructuring, 1993
4) Materials on antecedent ad hoc committee, 1985-87
5) Statistical breakdowns, 1992-97
6) Task Force on Reorganization of Divisions, 2005