As the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) was preparing to celebrate its centennial in 1999, an ad hoc committee of senior Society members was convened to discuss plans for a centennial exhibit at the General Meeting.
As part of the planning process, each committee member was asked to list what he or she thought were the most consequential discoveries in microbiology. From those suggestions, a list of 100 to 150 events was developed. Each committee member then selected what he or she believed to be the top 25 events in microbiology, without giving any priority ranking. Based on those votes, the top 26 events were chosen to be part of the General Meeting Centennial Exhibit.
After the "Top 26" were chosen, items continued to be added to the list based on suggestions from journal editors and other ASM members, until almost 300 events were listed as "significant events in the history of microbiology."
The list, as prepared in 1999, is presented below.
***Note - Occasionally suggestions are offered for changes or additions to the list. If approved by the Center for the History of Microbiology/ASM Archives (CHOMA) Committee, these changes are incorporated into the list. Because the Committee feels that the original list is worth maintaining as a historical document itself, all changes are clearly marked as such. A summary of changes made to date is listed here:
Changes made as of 2/25/15:
1. Pasteur, L. "Animalcules infusoires vivant sans gaz oxygene libre et determinant des fermentations." Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. (Paris) 52:344-347, 1861
1. Minutes of Evidence Taken before the Cattle Plague Commissioners 11th Oct. 1865. John Simon, Esq., (Medical Officer of the Privy Council, F.R.S., and Surgeon of St. Thomas's Hospital,) examined.
2. THIRD REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS appointed to inquire into the ORIGIN and NATURE, &c. of the CATTLE PLAGUE; with AN APPENDIX. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty. 1866. Link: The Origin and Nature of the 1865 British Cattle Plague
1. Link to Huxley's Biogenesis and Abiogenesis Address
2. James Strick. 1999. Darwinism and the Origin of Life: the Role of H.C. Bastian in the British Spontaneous Generation Debates, 1868-1873. Journal of the History of Biology, 32:1-42.
Ferdinand J. Cohn contributes to the founding of the science of bacteriology. In the publication Ueber Bakterien, he discusses the role of microorganisms in the cycling of elements in nature. In 1875, Cohn will publish an early classification of bacteria, using the genus name, Bacillus, for the first time.
1. Cohn, F. 1872. Ueber Bakterien, die kleinsten lebenden Wesen. Lüedritz'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung Carl Habel, Berlin.
2. Cohn, F., 1875. Untersuchungen ueber Bakterien. Beitraege zur Biologie der Planzen 1:127-222 In Milestones in Microbiology: 1556 to 1940, translated and edited by Thomas D. Brock, ASM Press. 1998, p210
3. Ferdinand Cohn, a Founder of Modern Microbiology, ASM News 65. 1999, p.547. ARTICLE AVAILABLE FROM ASM ARCHIVES
1. Brefeld, O. Botanische Untersuchungen uber Schimmelpilze, Heft I, Mucor mucedo, Chaetocladium Jones ii, Piptocephalis Fresiana: Zygomyceten, Leipzig, 1872.
2. Schroeter, J. "Ueber einige durch Bacterien gebildete Pigmente."Beitr. Z. Biol. D. Pflanzen1:2, 109-126.
Gerhard Henrik Armauer Hansen described how he observed the leprosy bacillus, Mycobacterium leprae, as "rod-like bodies" after cutting through a leprosy nodule, scraping the edge of the cut with a knife and rubbing the material onto a glass slide. After adding a drop of water, the human cells swelled and released more and more rods seen unstained in his microscope. Based on his initial clinical and epidemiological studies, Armauer Hansen clearly demonstrated that these rods represented the infectious origin of leprosy. This is the first time that a chronic infectious disease in humans was shown to be related to a bacillus. ***
1. Hansen, G. A. Undersøgelser angående spedalskhedens årsager [in Norwegian]. Norsk Mag. Laegevid. 1874; 4: 1-88.
2. Harboe, M. Armauer Hansen - The Man and His Work. Int J Leprosy 1973; 41: 417-424.
***This entry (1873, Armauer Hansen) was not included in the original "Significant Events List" created in 1999. It was added in 2015 by agreement of the Center for the History of Microbiology/ASM Archives Committee.
Robert Koch publishes a paper on his work with anthrax, pointing explicitly to a bacterium as the cause of this disease. This validates the germ theory of disease. Prior, in 1872, he was approved as a district medical officer in Poland where he discovered anthrax was endemic. His work on anthrax was presented and his papers on the subject were published under the auspices of Ferdinand Cohn.
1. Koch, R. 1876. Untersuchungen ueber Bakterien V. Die Aetiologie der Milzbrand-Krankheit, begruendent auf die Entwicklungsgeschichte des Bacillus Anthracis. Beitr. z. Biol. D. Pflanzen 2: 277-310. In Milestones in Microbiology: 1556 to 1940, translated and edited by Thomas D. Brock, ASM Press. 1998, p89.
1. Schloesing, J. and A. Muntz. 1877. Sur la Nitrification par les Ferments Organises. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, Paris, LXXXIV: 301-303.
1. Koch, R. 1877. Verfahren zur Untersuchung, zum Conservieren und Photogaphiren der Bakterien. Beitraege zur Biologie der Pflanzen. 2: 399-434
1. New Details Add to Our Understanding of Spontaneous Generation Controversies, ASM News 63, 1997. p.193.
1. Bacteria as the Cause of Disease in Plants: A Historical Perspective, ASM News 45, 1979. p.1.
1. Lister, J. 1878. On lactic fermentation and its bearing on pathology. Trans Path. Soc., Lond. xxix: 425-67. In Milestones in Microbiology: 1556 to 1940, translated and edited by Thomas D. Brock, ASM Press. 1998, p58.
1. Lewis, T.R. (1878) "The microscopic organisms found in the blood of man and animals and their relation to disease." Ann. Rpt. San. Commis. Govt. India, Calcutta 14:157
2. Lewis, T.R. (1879) "Flagellated organisms in the blood of healthy rats." Quart. J. Micr. Sci. 19:109
3. Evans, G. (1880) "Report on the 'surra' disease in the Dera Ismail Khan District." Punjab Govt. Milit. Dept. No. 493:446
1. Neisser, A. 1879. Ueber eine der Gonorrhoe eigenthumliche Micrococcusform. Vorlaufige Mitteilung. Cbl. F. d. Med. Wiss. 28: 497-500.
*** The original entry on the 1999 "Significant Events List" identified Neisser as possibly "the first to attribute a chronic disease to a microbe"; the entry was changed in 2015 by agreement of the Center for the History of Microbiology/ASM Archives Committee. See 1873 entry on Hansen for earlier example of the attribution of a disease to a microbe.
Louis Pasteur develops a method of attenuating a virulent pathogen, the agent of chicken cholera, so it would immunize and not cause disease. This is the conceptual break-though for establishing protection against disease by the inoculation of a weakened strain of the causative agent. Pasteur uses the word "attenuated" to mean weakened. As Pasteur acknowledged, the concept came from Jenner's success at smallpox vaccination.
1. Plasmids, Pasteur, and Anthrax, ASM News 49,1983. p.320.
2. Pasteur, L. 1880. Sur les maladies virulentes et en particulier sur la maladie appelee vulgairement cholera des poules. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sc. 90: 239-248.
3. Pasteur, L. 1880. De l'attenuation du virus cholera des poules. Compte rend. Acad. se. 91: 673-680 In Milestones in Microbiology: 1556 to 1940, translated and edited by Thomas D. Brock, ASM Press. 1998, p126.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1907 NOBEL PRIZE
2. Laveran, A. 1880. A new parasite found in the blood of malarial patients. Parasitic origin of malarial attacks. Bull. mem. soc. med. hosp. Paris. 17: 158-164.
1. Koch, R. 1881. Zur Untersuchung von pathogenen Organismen. Mitth. a. d. Kaiserl.
2. Gesundheitsampte 1: 1-48. In Milestones in Microbiology: 1556 to 1940, translated and edited by Thomas D. Brock, ASM Press. 1998, p101.
1. Ehrlich, P. 1881 Ueber das Methylenblau und seine klinisch-bakterioskopische Verwerthung. Ztschr. f. klin. Med. ii: 710-713.
2. Ehrlich, P. 1882. Aus dem Verein fur innere Medicin zu Berlin. Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift 8:269-270 In Milestones in Microbiology: 1556 to 1940, translated and edited by Thomas D. Brock, ASM Press. 1998, p118.
1. Koch, R. "Ueber Desinfection." Mittheilungen aus dem kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamt 1:234-282, 1881
1. Walther and Angelina Hesse: Early Contributors to Bacteriology, ASM News 58, 1992. p.425.
3. von Gierke's "Praise for a German Doctor's Wife" Written three months posthumously, acknowledging the contribution of Angelina Fanny Hesse in the use of agar-agar as a solidifying agent for culture media.
4. Robert Koch also mentions the cultivation of bacteria in agar-agar in The Aetiology of Tuberculosis. See below.
1. Koch, R. 1882. Die Aetiologie der Tuberculose. Berl. Klin. Wchnschr., xix: 221-230. In Milestones in Microbiology: 1556 to 1940, translated and edited by Thomas D. Brock, ASM Press. 1998, p109.
1. Klebs, E. 1883. Ueber Diphtherie. Verh. D. Congresses f. Inn. Med., II. Congr.Bergmann Weisbaden. 139-154.
2. Loeffler, F. 1884. Utersuchung uber die Bedeutung der Mikroorganismen fir die Entstehung der Diptherie beim Menschen, bei der taube und beim Kalbe. Mitth. a. d. kaiserl. Gesundheitsampte. Ii: 421-499.
1. 1986: Centenary of the Isolation of Denitrifying Bacteria, ASM News 52, 1986.
2. Gayon, U., and G. Dupetit. 1883. La fermentation des nitrates. Mem. Soc. Sci. Phys. Nat. Bordeaux Ser. 2. 5: 35-36.
Ilya Ilich Metchnikoff demonstrates that certain body cells move to damaged areas of the body where they consume bacteria and other foreign particles. He calls the process phagocytosis. He proposes a theory of cellular immunity. With Ehrlich, Metchnikoff is awarded the Noble Prize in Medicine or Physiology in 1908.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1908 Nobel Prize
2. Centennial of the Rise of Cellular Immunology: Discovery at Messina, ASM News 48, 1982. p.558
3. Metschnikoff, E. 1884. Ueber eine Sprosspilzkrankheit der Daphnien. Beitrag zur Lehre uber den Kampf der Phagocyten gegen Krankheitserrenger, Archiv f. pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und f. klinische Medicin, 96: 177-195. In Milestones in Microbiology: 1556 to 1940, translated and edited by Thomas D. Brock, ASM Press. 1998, p132.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1905 Nobel Prize
2. The Etiology of Tuberculosis: A Tribute to Robert Koch on the Occasion of the Centenary of His Discovery of the Tubercule Bacillus, ASM News 48, 1982. p.248.
3. Preface to Brock's Robert Koch: A Life in Medicine and Bacteriology by James Strick.
4. Koch, Robert. 1884. Die Aetiologie der Tuberkulose, Mittheilungen aus dem Laiserlichen Gesundheitsampte. 2: 1-88. In Milestones in Microbiology: 1556 to 1940, translated and edited by Thomas D. Brock, ASM Press. 1998, p116.
1. Gram, C. 1884. Ueber die isolirte Farbung der Schizomyceten in Schitt-und Trockenpreparaten, Fortschritte der Medicin, 2: 185-189. In Milestones in Microbiology: 1556 to 1940, translated and edited by Thomas D. Brock, ASM Press. 1998, p215.
1. Chamberland, C. 1884. Sur un filtre donnant de l'eau physiologiquement pure. Compt. Rend. Acad. d. sc. Paris. xcix: 247.
As part of his rabies research, Louis Pasteur oversees injections of the child Joseph Meister with "aged" spinal cord allegedly infected with rabies virus. Pasteur uses the term "virus" meaning poison, but has no idea of the nature of the causitive organism. Although the treatment is successful, the experiment itself is an ethical violation of research standards. Pasteur knew he was giving the child successively more dangerous portions.
1. Pasteur: High Priest of Microbiology, ASM News 61, 1995. p.575.
2. Pasteur's Dilemma: The Road Not Taken. ASM News vol. 40, 1974, p. 703.
3. Preface to René Dubos' Pasteur and Modern Science by Gerald L. Geison.
4. Pasteur, L. 1885. Methode pour prevenir la rage apres morsure, Compt rend. Acd. Sc. 101: 765-773.
1. Ehrlich, P. 1885. Das Sauerstoff-Bedurfniss des Organismus, eine farbanalytische Studie. Hirschwald, Berlin.
1. Escherich, T. 1885. Die Darmbakterien des Neugeborenen und Sauglings, Fortschr.d. Med. 3: 515-522; 251-251.
1. Salmon, D. E. and T. Smith. On a new method of producing immunity from contagious diseases, Proceedings of the Biological Society, (Washington, D. C.) 3: 29-33.
1. Buist, John Brown. "The life history of the micro-organisms associated with variola and vaccinia...." Proc. R. Soc. Edinb., 13:603-20.
1. Winogradsky, S. 1887. Uber Schwefelbacterien. Botanische Zeitung. XLV: 489-507.
1. Petri, R. J. 1887. Eine kleine Modification des Koch'schen Plattenverfahrens. Centralbl. F. Bakteriol., etc., 1: 279-280 In Milestones in Microbiology: 1556 to 1940, translated and edited by Thomas D. Brock, ASM Press. 1998, p218.
1. From "Diphtheritic" Poison to Molecular Toxinology, ASM News 53, 1987. p.547.
2. Roux E. and A. Yersin. 1888. Contribution a l'etude de la diphtherie. Ann. Inst. Pasteur 2: 629-661. 3: 273.
1. Early Biotechnology: The Delft Connection, ASM News 59, 1993. p.401.
2. Beijerinck, M. 1888. Die Bakterien de Papilionaceenknollchen. Botanische Zeitung, Vol. 46: 725-804. In Milestones in Microbiology: 1556 to 1940, translated and edited by Thomas D. Brock, ASM Press. 1998, p220.
1. Hellriegel, H, and Wilfarth, H. "Untersuchungen uber die Stickstoffnahrung der Gramineen und Leguminosen." Beilageheft zu der Zeitschrift des Vereins fur Rubenzucker-Industrie Deutschen Reichs, 234 pp., 1888
1. Charrin, A. and J. Roger. 1889. Note sur le developpement des microbes pathogens dans le serum des animaux vaccines. Soc. De Biol. 9e ser., I: 667-669.
1. Kitasato, S. "Ueber den Tetanusbacillus." Ztschr. Hyg. u. Infektionskrank. 7:225-234, 1889
Emil von Behring and Shibasaburo Kitasato working together in Berlin in 1890 announce the discovery of diphtheria antitoxin serum, the first rational approach to therapy of infectious diseases. They inject a sublethal dose of diphtheria filtrate into animals and produce a serum that is specifically capable of neutralizing the toxin. They then inject the antitoxin serum into an uninfected animal to prevent a subsequent infection. Behring, trained as a surgeon, was a researcher for Koch. Kitasato was Koch's first student at the Institute of Hygiene. Behring was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology in 1901.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1901 Nobel Prize
2. Behring, E. 1890. Untersuchungen ueber das Zustandekommen der Diphtherie-Immunitat bei Thieren. Dt. Med. Wochenschr. 16: 1145-1148. In Milestones in Microbiology: 1556 to 1940, translated and edited by Thomas D. Brock, ASM Press. 1998, p141.
3. Behring, E. and Kitasato, S. 1890. Ueber das Zustandekommen der Diphtherie-Immunitat und der Tetanus-Immunitat bei thieren. Deutsche medizinsche Wochenschrift 16:1113-1114 In Milestones in Microbiology: 1556 to 1940, translated and edited by Thomas D. Brock, ASM Press. 1998, p138.
1. Winogradsky, S. 1890. Recherches sur les Organismes de la Nitrification. Computer Rendu Vol 110: 1013-1016 In Milestones in Microbiology: 1556 to 1940, translated and edited by Thomas D. Brock, ASM Press. 1998, p231.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1908 Nobel Prize
2. Ehrlich, P. 1891. Experimentelle Untersuchungen uber Immunitat, I. Ueber Ricin, II. Ueber Abrin. Deutsche med. Wchnschr. xvii. 976, 1218.
1. When Did Virology Start, ASM News 62, 1996. p.142.
2. Tobacco Mosaic Virus and Its Contributions to Virology, ASM News 65, 1999. p.675. Article Available from ASM Archives
3. Ivanowski, D. I. 1892. On two diseases of tobacco. Sel'. Khoz. Lesov. 169:108-121; an English translation appears as an appendix to Hughes, S. S. (1972). The origins and development of the concept of the virus in the late nineteenth century. Ph.D. thesis, London University. (13; 25; 115)
1. Welch W. H. and G. Nuttall. 1892. A gas-producing bacillus (b. aerogenes capsulatus, nov.spec.), capable of rapid development in the blood vessels after death. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull. 3: 81-91.
1. Smith, T. and F. L. Kilbourne. 1893. Investigations into the nature, causation and prevention of Texas or southern cattle fever. Bur. Anim. Ind. Bull. 1: 151-152.
1. Pfeiffer, R. 1894. Weitere Untersuchungen ueber das Wesen der Choleraimmunitat und ueber specifisch baktericide Processe. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infektionskrankh. xviii: 1-16.
1. Yersin, A. 1894. La peste bubonique a Hong Kong. C. r. Acad. Sci. 119: 356.
2. Yersin, A. 1894. La peste bubonique a Hong Kong. Ann. Inst. Pasteur. 8: 662-667.
3. Kitasato, S. 1894. The bacillus of bubonic plague. Lancet 2: 428-430.
4. Kitasato, S. 1894. Preliminary notice of the bacillus of bubonic plague. Practitioner 53: 311.
5. Kitasato, S. 1894. Preliminary notice of the bacillus of bubonic plague. U. S. Marine Hosp. Serv. P. 343.
1. Beijerinck, M. 1894. Noty uber dur nacheveis vom protozoen und spirillum in trinkwasser. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. 15: 10-15.
1. Winogradsky, S. 1895. Recherches sur l'assimilation de l'azote libre de l'atmosphere par les microbes. Arch. d. Sci. Biol., Institut Imperial de Medicine Experimentale, St. Petersburg, Vol. 4.
1. Bruce, D. "Preliminary Report on the Tsetse-Fly Disease, or Nagana, in Zululand." Durban: Bennett & David 1895.
1. Gruber, M. and H. E. Durham. 1896. Eine neue Methode zur raschen Erkennung des Choleravibrio und des Typhusbacillus. Munchen. Med. Wchnschr. xliii: 285-286.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1929 Nobel Prize
2. Christiaan Eijkman: Early Nobel Winner for Beriberi Research ASM News 64, 1998. p. 688. Available from ASM Archives
Paul Ehrlich proposes his "side-chain" theory of immunity and develops standards for toxin and antitoxin.
1. Ehrlich, P. 1897. Zur Kenntniss der Antitoxinwirkung. Fortschr. d. Med. xv: 41.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1907 Nobel Prize
2. Buchner, E. 1897. Alkoholische Gahrung ohne Hefezellen. Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft, 30: 117-124. In Milestones in Microbiology: 1556 to 1940, translated and edited by Thomas D. Brock, ASM Press. 1998, p65.
1. Waldemar Haffkine: Pioneer of Cholera Vaccine, ASM News 53, 1987. p. 366.
2. Haffkine, W. 1897. Remarks on the plague prophylactic fluid. Brit. Med. J. 1: 461.
1. Wright, A. E. and D. Sample. 1897. Remarks on vaccination against typhoid fever. British Medical Journal. I: 256-259.
1. Friedrich Loeffler and His History of Bacteriology, ASM News 48 1982, p. 297.
2. Loeffler, F. and P. Frosch. 1898. Berichte der Kommission zur Erforschung der Maul-und Klauenseuche bei dem Institut fur Infektionskrankheiten. Part I, 23: 371-391. In Milestones in Microbiology: 1556 to 1940, translated and edited by Thomas D. Brock, ASM Press. 1998, p. 149.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1919 Nobel Prize
2. Bordet, J. 1898. Sur l'agglutination et la dissolution des globules rouges par le serum d'animaux injectes de sang defibrine. Ann. De l'Inst. Pasteur. xii: 688-695.
1. Schenk, B. R. 1898. On refractory subcutaneous abscesses caused by a fungus possibly related to the sporotricha. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull. 9: 286-290.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1902 Nobel Prize
2. Ross, R. 1899. Mosquitoes and malaria. Brit. Med. J., 432-433.
1. Martinus Beijerinck (1851-1931), ASM News 62, 1996. p. 539.
2. Beijerinck, M. 1899. Ueber ein Contagium vivum fluidum als Ursache der Fleckenkrankheit der Tabaksblatter. Centralblatt fur bacteriologie und Parasirenkunde, Part II, 5: 27-33. In Milestones in Microbiology: 1556 to 1940, translated and edited by Thomas D. Brock, ASM Press. 1998, p. 153.
The organizing meeting of the Society of American Bacteriologists is held at Yale, December 28, 1899. The Society is the first independent organization devoted to the promotion and service of bacteriology in the United States. It later becomes the American Society for Microbiology.
1. There was no formal published paper but see: Conn, H.J. 1948. Professor Herbert William Conn and the founding of the American Society of American Bacteriologists. Bact. Reviews. 12: 275-296.
2. Abstracts of the first meeting were published in SCIENCE N.S. Vol. XI, No. 273: 455-463, 1900
3. A Century of Society Meetings, ASM News 65, 1999. p. 296. Article Available from ASM Archives
4. Society Founded by "Lost Souls" Among Naturalists, ASM News, 65 1999. p. 266. Article Available from ASM Archives
Based on work of Walter Reed, it is demonstrated that Yellow Fever is caused by a filterable virus transmitted by mosquitoes. The agent is similar to that reported in 1898 by Loffler and Frosch for foot and mouth disease of cattle. This is the first report of a viral agent known to cause human disease. Based on the findings of the Yellow Fever Commission, an anti-mosquito campaign was carried out, resulting in the eradication of yellow fever in Havana.
1. No account was published immediately, but the papers of the Yellow Fever Commission were published in 1911.
2. Reed, W. 1911. Papers by various authors of the Yellow Fever Commission. Sen. Doc. 822. Washington, D. C.
1. Ophuls, W. and H. Moffitt. 1900. A new pathogenic mould. Philadelphia Med. J. 5: 1471-1472.
1. Bordet, J. and O. Gengou. 1901. Sur l'existencede substances sensibilisatrices dans la plupart des serums antimicrobiens. Ann. De l'Inst. Pasteur. xv: 289-303.
1. Wildiers, E. 1901. A new substance indispensable to the development of yeast. La Cellule. 18: 313-332. In Milestones in Microbiology: 1556 to 1940, translated and edited by Thomas D. Brock, ASM Press. 1998, p. 240.
1. Leishman, W. B. 1903. On the possibility of the occurrence of trypanosomiasis in India. Br. Med. J. i: 1252-1254.
2. Donovan, C. 1903. On the possibility of the occurrence of trypanosomiasis in India. Br. Med. J. ii: 79.
1. Novy, F. G. and W. J. MacNeal. 1903. On the cultivation of Trypanosoma lewisi. Contributions to Medical Research, Ann Arbor: George Wahr. 549-577.
1. Beijerinck, M. 1904. Phenomenes de reduction produits par les microbes. Arch. Neerl. (section 2) 9: 131-157.
1. Koning, C. J. 1904. Beitrage zur kenntnis des lebens dur humuspilze und der chemischen vorgange bei der humusbildung. Arch. Neerland. Sci. Exact. Et Nat. 9:34-107.
1. Schardinger, F. 1904. Bacillus macerans. Centralblatt f. Backteriologie, II XIV: 772.
1. Metchnikoff and Syphilis Research during a Decade of Discovery, ASM News 62, 1966. p. 307
2. Schaudinn, F. R. and E. Hoffman. 1905. Uber Spirochatenbefunde in Lymphdrusensaft Syphilitischer. Dtsch. med. Wschr. 31: 711.
1. Ishiwata, S. 1905. Concerning "Sotto-Kin" a bacillus of a disease of the silkworm. Rept. Assoc. Seric. Japan. Pp. 160-161.
1. Biffen, R.H. 1905 Experiments with wheat and barley hybrids, illustrating Mendel's Laws of heredity. J. Roy. Agric. Soc. 65:337-45
1. Wasserman, A., Neisser, A., and C. Bruck. 1906. Eine serodiagnostische reaktion bei syphilis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr xxxii: 745.
1. Sohngen, N. L. 1906. Ueber Bakterien, welche Methan als Kohlenstoffnahrung and energiequelle gebrauchen. Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Parasitik. Abt. I. 15: 513-517.
1. Darling, S. T. 1906. A protozoan general infection producing pseudo tubercules in the lungs and focal necroses in the liver, spleen, and lymph nodes. JAMA. 46: 1283-1285. In Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999, p. 4.
1. Smith, Erwin, and C.O.1907. Townsend. A plant tumour of bacterial origin. Science 25: 671-673.
1. Ricketts, H. 1909. A micro-organism which apparently has a specific relationship to Rocky Mountain spotted fever. J. Am. Med. Soc. 52: 379-380. In Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999, p. 8.
1. Orla-Jensen, S. 1909. Die Hauptlinien des Naturlichen Bakterien-Systems. Centralblatt fur Bakteriologie. Section 2, XXII: 305-346.
1. Chagas, C. "Ueber eine neue Trypanosomiasis des Menschen." Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 1:158-218.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1928 Nobel Prize
2. Nicolle, C. H., C. Compte, and E. Conseil. 1910. Experimental Transmission of Exanthematous Typhus by body lice (Pediculus vestimenti). Ann. Past. Inst. 24: 261-267.
1. Sabouraud, R. 1910. Maladies du Cuir Chevelu III. Maladies Cryptogamiques. Les Teinges. Masson et Cie.
Paul Ehrlich announces the discovery of an effective cure (Salvarsan) for syphilis, the first specific chemotherapeutic agent for a bacterial disease. Ehrlich was a researcher in Koch's lab, where he worked on immunology. In 1906 he became head of the Research Institute for Chemotherapy. He sought an arsenic derivative. The 606th compound worked. He brought news of the treatment to London, where Fleming became one of the few physicians to administer it. A more soluble form, Neosalvarsan, is introduced in 1912.
1. Ehrlich, P. 1912. Ueber Laboratoriumsversuche und klinische Erprobung von Heilstoffen. Chem. Ztg. 36: 637-638.
Francis Peyton Rous discovers a virus that can cause cancer in chickens by injecting a cell free filtrate of tumors. This is the first experimental proof of an infectious etiologic agent of cancer. In 1909 a farmer brought Rous a hen that had a breast tumor. Rous performed an autopsy, extracted tumor cells and injected them in other hens, where sarcoma developed. Rous is awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology in 1966.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1966 Nobel Prize
2. Rous, Peyton. 1911. Transmission of a malignant growth by means of a cell free filtrate. JAMA. 56: 198.
3. Rous, Peyton. 1911. A sarcoma of the fowl transmissable by an agent separable from the tumor cells. J. Ex. Med. 13:397-411.
1. Twort, F. 1915. An investigation on the nature of ultra-microscopic viruses. Lancet, 2: 1241-1243.
1. Weizmann, C. 1915. British patent, 845.
1. McCrady, M.H. "The Numerical Interpretation of Fermentation Tube Results." J. Infect. Dis. 17:183.
1. Felix d'Herrelle: His Life and Work and the Foundation of a Bacteriophage Reference Center, ASM News 48, 1982. p. 346.
2. D'Herrelle, F. 1917. Sur un microbe invisible antagoniste des bacilles dysenteriques. Comp. rend. Acad. Sci. 165: 373-375.In Milestones in Microbiology: 1556 to 1940, translated and edited by Thomas D. Brock, ASM Press. 1998, p. 157.
1. Currie, J. N. 1917. The citric acid fermentation of Asperigillus niger. J. Bio. Chem. 31: 15-37.
1. Evans, A. 1918. Further studies on Bacterium abortus and related bacteria. II. A comparison of Bacterium abortus with Bacterium bronchisepticus and with the organism that causes Malta Fever . J. Infect. Dis. 22: 580-593.
1. Seeking the 1918 Spanish Influenza Virus, ASM News 65, July 1999. Article Available from ASM Archives
1. Smith and His Presidential Address to the Society of American Bacteriologists, ASM News 47, 1981, p.231.
2. Theobald Smith, 1859-1934: A Fiftieth Anniversary Tribute, ASM News 50, 1984. p.577.
3. Smith, T. and M. S. Taylor. 1919. Some morphological and biological characters of the Spirilla (Vibrio fetus, n. sp.) associated with the disease of the fetal membranes in cattle. J. Exp. Med. 30: 299-311.
1. Brown, J.H. 1919. The use of blood agar for the study of streptococci. Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research Monograph No.9. The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York.
1. Heidelberger, M. and O. T. Avery. 1923. The soluble specific substances of pnuemococcus, J. Exp. Med. 38: 73-79.
1. Dick, G. and G. Dick. 1924. A skin test for susceptibility to scarlet fever. JAMA. 82: 265-266.
1. Calmette, A. and C. Guerin. 1924. Vaccination of bovines against tuberculosis. Ann. Inst. Pasteur. 38: 371-398.
1. Klyuver, A. J. 1924. Eenheid en verscheidenheid in de stofwisseling der microben. Chem. Weekbl. 21, 266-80. In Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999, p.188
and also In Milestones in Microbiology: 1556 to 1940, translated and edited by Thomas D. Brock, ASM Press. 1998, p247.
1. Rivers, T. 1927. Filterable viruses. A critical review. J. Bact. 14: 217.
Albert Jan Kluyver and Hendrick Jean Louis Donker propose a universal model for metabolic events in cells based on a transfer of hydrogen atoms. The model applies to aerobic and anaerobic organisms.
1. Kluyver, A. J. and H. J. L. Donker. 1926. Die einheit in der biochemie. Chem. Zelle Geweke. 13: 134-190.
1. Murray, E.G.D., R. A. Webb, and M.B.R. Swann. 1926. A disease of rabbits characterized by a large mononuclear leucocytosis, caused by a hitherto undescribed bacillus Bacterium monocytogenes. J. Pathol. Bacteriol. 29:407-39
Frederick Griffith discovers transformation in bacteria and establishes the foundation of molecular genetics. He shows that injecting mice with a mixture of live, avirulent, rough Streptococcus pneumoniae Type I and heat-killed, virulent smooth S. pneumoniae Type II, leads to the death of the mice. Live, virulent, smooth S. pneumoniae Type II are isolated from the dead mice. Not until the 1930's, did Avery, Macleod and McCarty take up Griffith's work and try to explain the results.
1. Griffith, F. 1928. The significance of pneumococcal types. J. Hyg. 27, 113-159.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1945 Nobel Prize
2. Fleming, A. 1929. On the antibacterial action of cultures of a Penicillium, with a special reference to their use in the isolation of B. influenze. Brit. J. Exp. Path. 10: 226-236. In Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999, p.98
and also In Milestones in Microbiology: 1556 to 1940, translated and edited by Thomas D. Brock, ASM Press. 1998, p185.
3. In Praise of Antibiotics, ASM News 65, May 1999. p.304. Article Available from ASM Archives
1. Karstrom, H. 1930. .Ann. Ueber die enzymbildung in Bakterien. Thesis, Helsinfors.
1. Dubos, R. and O. T. Avery. 1931. Decomposition of the capsular polysaccharide of pneumonococcus type III by a bacterial enzyme. J. Exper. Med. 54: 51-71.
C. B. van Niel shows that photosynthetic bacteria use reduced compounds as electron donors without producing oxygen. Sulfur bacteria use H2S as a source of electrons for the fixation of carbon dioxide. He posits that plants use water as a source and release oxygen. At this time Van Niel begins offering the storied summer course on microbiology (at the Hopkins Marine Station in Pacific Grove, California), which would draw scientists from diverse fields for more than 30 years.
1. van Niel Remembered, ASM News 53, 1987. p.75.
2. van Neil, C. B. 1931. On the morphology and physiology of the purple and green sulfur bacteria. Arch. Mikrobiol. 3: 1-112.
1. Pittman, M. 1931. Variation and type specificity in the bacterial species Haemophilus influenzae. J. Exp. Med. 53: 471-492.
1. Elford, W. J. 1931. A new series of graded colloidal membranes suitable for general bacteriological use, especially in filterable virus studies. J. Pathol Bacteriol. 34: 505-521.
1. Woodruff, A. and E. Goodpasture. 1931. The susceptibility of the chorio-allantoic membrane of chick embryos to infection with the fowl-pox virus. Am. J. Path. 7: 209-222.
1. Stewart, R. A. and K. F. Meyer. 1932. Isolation of Coccidiodes immitis (Stiles) from the soil. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med. 29: 937-938.
1. Rebecca Craighill Lancefield, Pioneer Microbiologist, ASM News. 41,1975. p.805.
1. Marton, L. 1934. La microscopie electronique des onjectes biologiques. Bull. Acad. Belg. Cl. Sci. 20: 439-466.
1. Evans, A. 1934. Streptococcus bacteriophage: A study of four serological types. Public Health Rep. 49: 1386-1401.
1. de Monbreun, W. A. 1934. The cultivation and cultural characteristics of Darling's Histoplasma capsulatum. Am. Jour. Trop. Med. 14: 93-125.
Gerhard J. Domagk uses a chemically synthesized antimetabolite, Prontosil, to kill Streptococcus in mice. It is later shown that Prontosil is hydrolyzed in vivo to an active compound, sulfanilamide. One of the first patients to be treated with Protonsil was Domagk's daughter who had a streptococcal infection that was unresponsive to other treatments. When she was near death, she was injected with large quantities of Protonsil and she made a dramatic recovery. Domagk is awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology in 1939
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1939 Nobel Prize
2. Domagk, G. J. 1935. Ein Beitrag zur Chemotherapie der bakteriellen infektionen. Dtsch. med. Wochenschr. 61: 250-253. In Milestones in Microbiology: 1556 to 1940, translated and edited by Thomas D. Brock, ASM Press. 1998, p195.
Wendell Stanley crystallizes tobacco mosaic virus and shows it remains infectious. However, he does not recognize that the infectious material is nucleic acid and not protein. Together with Northrop and Sumner, Stanley is awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1946
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1946 Nobel Prize
2. Stanley, W. 1935. Isolation of a crystalline protein possessing the properties of tobacco-mosaic virus. Science. 81: 644-654.In Milestones in Microbiology: 1556 to 1940, translated and edited by Thomas D. Brock, ASM Press. 1998, p160.
1. Bauden, F. C. , N. W. Pirie, J. D. Bernal, and I. Fankuchen. 1936. Liquid crystalline substances from virus infected plants. Nature 138:1051-1052.
1. H.G. Wood and C.H. Werkman. 1936. The utilization of CO2 in the dissimilation of glycerol by propionic acid bacteria. Biochem. J. 30:48-53. In Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999, p.202.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1951 Nobel Prize
2. Theiler, M. and H. H. Smith. 1937. J. Exp. Med. 65: 787.
1. E.L Ellis and M.L. Delbruck. 1939. The growth of bacteriophage.J.Gen.Physiol. 22:36584. In Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999, p448.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1945 Nobel Prize
2. Chain, E., H. W. Florey, A. D. Gardner, N. G. Heatley, M. A. Jennings, J. Orr-Ewing, and A. G. Sanders Penicillin as a chemotherapeutic agent. Lancet 2: 226-228. In Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999, p.112
1. Abraham, E.P. and E. Chain. 1940. An enzyme from bacteria able to destroy penicillin. Nature 3713:837. In Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999, p.115.
1. Ruska, H. 1940. Die Sichtbarmachung der BakteriophagenLyse im Ubermikroskop. Naturwissenschaaften. 28: 45-6.
1. Smith C. E. 1940. Epidemiology of acute coccidioidomycosis with erythema nodoosum ("San Joaquin" or "Valley Fever"). Am. Jour. Pub. Health 30: 600-611.
1. Woods, D. D. 1940. The relation of p-aminobenzoic acid to the mechanism of the action of sulphanilamide. Brit. J. Exp. Path. 21: 74-90. In Milestones in Microbiology: 1556 to 1940, translated and edited by Thomas D. Brock, ASM Press. 1998, p199
1. Waksman, S. and H. B. Woodruff. 1940. Bacteriostatic and bactericidal substances produced by soil Actinomyces. Proc. Soc. Explt. Biol. Med. 45: 609-614.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1958 Nobel Prize
2. Beadle, G. and E. Tatum. 1941. Genetic control of biochemical reactions in Neurospora. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 27: 499-506. In Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999, p.308.
1. Abraham, E. P., E. Chain, C. M. Fletcher, A. D. Gardner, N. G. Heatley, M. A. Jennings, and H. W. Florey. 1941. Further observations on penicillin. Lancet 2: 177-188.
1. Burnet, F. M., M. Freeman, A. Y. Jackson and D. Lush. 1941. The Production of antibodies. (Monographs of the Walton and Eliza Hall Institute No. 1.) London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd.
1. Hirst, G.K. 1941. The agglutination of red blood cells by allantoic fluid chick embryos infected with influenza virus. Science. 94:22-23
1. A.H. Coons, H.J. Creech, R.N. Jones, and E. Berliner. Demonstration of pneumoccocal antigen in tissues by use of fluorescent antibody. 1942 J. Immunol. 45:159-70. In Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999,p.12.
1. Luria, S. E. and T. F. Anderson. 1942. The identification and characterization of bacteriophages with the electron microscope. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 28: 127-130.
1. Freund, J. and K. McDermott. 1942. Sensitization to horse serum by means of adjuvants. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 49: 548-553.
Salvador Luria and Max Delbruck provide a statistical demonstration that inheritance in bacteria follows Darwinian principles. Particular mutants, such as viral resistance, occur randomly in bacterial populations, even in the absence of the virus. More importantly, they occur in small numbers in some populations and in large numbers in other cultures. The results, known as fluctuation analysis, show that resistance occurs before exposure to the phage and argues against the adaptation hypothesis of mutations. With Delbruck and Hershey, Luria is awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology in 1969.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1969 NOBEL PRIZE
2. Luria, S. E. and M. Delbruck. 1943. Mutations of bacteria from virus sensitivity to virus resistance. Genetics. 28: 491-511. In Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999, p.318
1. Hungate, R. E. 1943. Further experiments on cellulose digestion by the protozoa in the rumen of cattle. Biol. Bull. 84: 157-163.
1. Feldman, W. H. and H. C Hinshaw. 1944. Effects of streptomycin on experimental tuberculosis in guinea pigs. A preliminary report. Proc. Staff Meet. , Mayo Clin. December 24, 1944. 19: 593-599.
1. Link to Profiles in Science/National Library of Medicine Website ( Oswald T. Avery Collection
2. Avery, O. T., C. M. Macleod, and M. McCarty. 1944. Studies on the chemical nature of the substance inducing transformation of pneumonococcal types. Induction of transformation by a deoxyribo-nucleic acid fraction isolated from pnuemococcus type III. J. Exp. Med. 79: 137-157. In Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999, p.116.
Albert Schatz, E. Bugie, and Selman Waksman discover streptomycin, soon to be used against tuberculosis. Streptomycin has the same specific antibiotic effect against gram negative microorganisms as penicillin does on gram positives. Waksman is awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology in 1952.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1952 Nobel Prize
2. Schatz, A., E. Bugie, and S. A. Waksman. 1944. Streptomycin, a substance exhibiting antibiotic activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 55: 66-69.
1. Where Does the Trail Lead? , ASM News 65, December 1999. Article Available from ASM Archives
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1969 Nobel Prize
2. Luria, S. E. 1945. Mutation of bacterial viruses affecting their host range. Genetics 30: 84-99.
1. MacLeod, C., R. Hodges, M. Heidelberger, and W. Bernhard. 1945. Prevention of pneumococcal pneumonia by immunization with specific capsular polysaccharides. J. Exp. Med. 82: 445-465.
1. Link to Profiles in Science/National Library of Medicine Website: Joshua Lederberg Collection
2. Lederberg, J. and E. L. Tatum. 1946. Gene recombination in Eschericia coli. Nature. 58: 558.
1. Braun, A.C. 1947. Thermal studies on the factors responsible for tumour initiation in crown gall. Am. J. Botany 34:234-240
1. Shorb, M. S. 1948. Activity of vitamin B12 for the growth of Lactobacillus lactis. Science 107: 397.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1954 Nobel Prize
2. Enders, J. F., T. H. Weller, and F. C. Chapman. 1949. Cultivation of the Lansing strain of poliomyelitis virus in cultures of various human embryonic tissues. Science 109: 85-87.
1. Emmons, C. W. 1949. Isolation of Histoplasma capsulatum from soil. U. S. Pub. Hlth. Rep. 64: 892-896.
1. Hungate, R. E. 1950. The anaerobic mesophilic cellulolytic bacteria. Bact. Rev. 14: 1-49.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1965 Nobel Prize
2. Genetics at the Institute Pasteur: Substance and Style, ASM News 53, 1987. p.547.
4. A. Lwoff, L. Siminovitch, and N. Kjeldgaard. 1950. Comptes Rendus. 231:190-91. In Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999, p.470.
Joshua Lederberg and Esther Lederberg publish their replica plating method and provide firm evidence that mutations in bacteria yielding resistance to antibiotics and viruses are not induced by the presence of selective agents. Replica plating or transfer of specific physical isolates allows for rapid screening of large numbers of genetic markers. With Beadle and Tatum, J. Lederberg is awarded the Noble Prize in Medicine or Physiology in 1958.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1958 Nobel Prize
2. Link to Profiles in Science/National Library of Medicine Website : Joshua Lederburg Collection
3. Link to Profiles in Science/National Library of Medicine Website : Interview with Joshua Lederberg
4. Bacterial Variation Since Pasteur, ASM News 58, 1992. p.261.
5. Lederberg, J. and E. Lederberg. 1952, Replica plating and indirect selection of bacterial mutants. J. Bact. 63: 399-406.
1. Lederberg, J. 1952. Cell genetics and hereditary symbiosis. Physiol. Rev. 32: 403-430.
1. Zinder, N and J. Lederberg, 1952. Genetic exchange in Salmonella. J. Bact. 64: 679-699.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1975 Nobel Prize
2. Dulbecco, R. 1952. Production of plaques in monolayer tissue cultures by single particles of an animal virus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 38: 747-752. In Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999, p.494.
3. Coming of Age of Animal Virology, ASM News 65, May 1999. p.334 Article Available from ASM Archives
1. Bryant, M. 1952. The isolation and characteristics of a spirochete from the bovine rumen. J. Bacteriol. 64: 325-335.
1. Hershey, A. D. and M. Chase. 1952. Independent functions of viral protein and nucleic acid in growth of bacteriophage. J. Gen. Physiol. 36: 39-56. In Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999, p. 474.
1. Luria, S.E. and M. Human. 1952. A nonhereditary, host-induced variation of bacterial viruses. J. Bact. 64: 557-569.
1. Lederberg, J., L.L. Cavalli, and E. M. Lederberg. 1952. Sex compatibility in Escherichia coli. Genetics 37: 720-730.
2. Hayes, W. 1952. Recombination in Bact.coli. K-12: unidirectional transfer of genetic material. Nature 169: 118-119.
1. Park, J. T. 1952. J. Biol. Chem. 194: 877, 885, 897.
James Watson and Francis Crick publish a description of the double-helix structure of DNA. The paper acknowledges that the authors were "stimulated by knowledge of the unpublished experimental results of" Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin, whose x-ray crystallography images of DNA suggested the structure. Franklin died in 1958; Watson, Crick and Wilkins are awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1962.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1962 Nobel Prize
2. DNA Helix Turns 40, ASM News 60,1994. p.28.
3. Watson, J. D. and F. H. C. Crick, 1953. Molecular structure of nucleic acids: a structure for desoxyribonucleic acid. Nature 171: 737-738.
1. Salk, J. E. 1953. Studies in human subjects on active immunization against poliomyelitis. A preliminary report of experiments in progress. JAMA. 151: 1081.
1. Hazen, E. L., R. F. Brown, and A. Mason. 1953. Protective action of Fungicidin (Nystatin) in mice against virulence enhancing activity of oxytetracycline on Candida albicans. Antibiotics & Chemother. 3: 1125.
1. Umbarger, H. E., and B. Brown. 1955. Isoleucine and valine metabolism in Escherichia coli. Antagonism between isoleucine and valine. J. Bact. 70: 241-248.
2. Pardee, A. D. 1955. Effect of energy supply on enzyme induction by pyramidine requiring mutants of Escherichia coli. J. Bact. 69: 233-239.
1. Smith, C. E., M. T. Saito, and S. A. Simmons. 1956. Pattern of 39500 serologic tests in coccidioidomycosis. JAMA 160: 546-552.
1. Caspar, D. L. D. 1956. Radial density Distribution in the Tobacco Mosaic Virus particle. Nature 177: 928.
2. Franklin, R. 1956. Location of the ribonucleic acid in the tobacco mosaic virus particle. Nature 177: 929.
1. Gierer, A. and G. Schramm. 1956. Infectivity of ribonucleic acid from tobacco mosaic virus. Nature 177: 702-702. In Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999, p.502.
1. Benzer, S. 1955. Fine structure of a genetic region in bacteriophage. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 41: 344-354. In Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999, p. 340.
1. Isaacs, A., and J. Lindenmann. 1957. Virus interference; I. The interferon. Proc. Roy. Soc. Series B 147: 258-267. In Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999, p.506.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1976 Nobel Prize
2. Gajdusek, D. C. and V. Zigas. 1957. Degenerative disease of the central nervous system in New Guinea. The endemic occurrence of "kuru" in the native population. N. Engl. J. Med. 257: 974-978.
1. Fraenkel-Conrat, H. and R. C. Williams. 1957. Virus reconstitution : combination of protein and nucleic acid from different strains. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 24: 87.
1. Kinoshita, S., K. Tanaka, S. Udaka, and S. Akita. 1957. Proc. Intern. Symposium Enzyme Chem. 464-468.
1. Wollman, E. and F. Jacob. 1957. Sur les processus de conjugaison et de reconbinaison chez Escherichia coli. Ann. Inst. Pasteur 93: 323-339.
1. Riggs, J. L., R. J. Seiwald, J. H. Burkhalter, et al. 1958. Isothiocyanate compounds as flourescent labeling agents for immune serum. Am. J. Path. 34: 1081-1097.
1. Meselson, M. and F. Stahl. 1958. The replication of DNA in Escherichia coli. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 44: 671-682.
1. Schaechter, M., O. Maaloe, and N. O. Kjeldgard. 1958. Dependency on medium and temperature of cell size and chemical composition during balanced growth of Salmonella typhimurium. J. Gen. Microbiol. 19: 152.
1. Ochiai, K., T. Yamanaka, K. Kimura, and O. Sawada. 1959. Nippon lji. 1861: 34.
1. Pardee, A., F. Jacob, and J. Monod. 1959. The genetic control and cytoplasmic expression of 'inducibility' in the synthesis of beta-galactosidase by E. coli. J. Mol. Biol. I: 165. In Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999, p.368.
1. Hirsch, H. and M. Finland. 1959. Antibacterial activity of serum of normal subjects after oral doses of demethylchlortetracycline, chlortetracycline and oxtetracycline. N. Engl. J. Med. 260: 1099-1104.
Peter Mitchell proposes the chemiosmotic theory in which a molecular process is coupled to the transport of protons across a biological membrane. He argues that this principle explains ATP synthesis, solute accumulations or expulsions, and cell movement (flagellar rotation). Mitchell is awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1978.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1978 Nobel Prize
2. Peter Mitchell and the Chemiosmotic Theory, ASM News 63, 1997. p.13.
3. Mitchell, P., and J. Moyle. 1959. Permeability of the envelopes of Staphylococcus aureus to some salts, amino acids and non-electrolytes. J. Gen. Microbiol. 20: 434-441.
1. R.L. Riley, C.C. Mills, W. Nyka, N. Weinstock, P.B. Storey, L.U. Sultan, M.C. Riley, and W.F. Wells. Aerial disseminations of pulmonary tuberculosis. A two-year study of contagion in a tuberculosis ward. 1959. Amer. J. Hyg. 70:185-96 In Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999, p.26.
1. Kornberg, A. 1960. Biologic synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid. Science 131: 1503-1508.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1965 Nobel Prize
2. Jacob, F., D. Perrin, C. Sanchez, and J. Monod. 1960. L'operon: Groupe de genes a l'expression coordonne par un operateur. Compt. Rendu. Acad. Sci. 245: 1727-1729.
1. Hall, B. D. and S. Speigelman. 1961. Sequence complemetarity of T2-DNA and T2-specific RNA. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 47: 137-146.
1. Holland, J. J. 1961. Receptor affinities as major determinants of enterovirus tissue tropisms in humans. Virology 15: 312-326.
1. Crick, H. F. C., L. Barnett, S. Brenner, and R. J. Watts-Tobin. 1961. General nature of genetic code for proteins. Nature 192: 1227-1232. In Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999, p.384.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1968 Nobel Prize
2. Link to Profiles in Science/National Library of Medicine Website ( Marshall Nirenberg Collection
3. Nirenberg, M. W. and H. J. Matthaei. 1961. The dependence of cell-free protein synthesis in E. coli upon naturally occurring or synthetic polyribonucleotides. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 47: 1589.
1. Brenner, S., F. Jacob, and M. Meselson. 1961. An unstable intermediate carrying information from genes to ribosomes for protein synthesis. Nature. 190: 576-581.
1. Aronson, A. and B. J. McCarthy. 1961. Studies of E. coli ribosomal RNA and its degradation products. Biophys. J. 1: 215-226.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1978 Nobel Prize
2. Nathans, D., G. Notani, J. H. Schwartz, and N. D. Zinder. 1962. Biosynthesis of the coat protein of coliphage f2 by E. coli extracts. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 48: 1424-1431.
1. Gowans, J.L., D.D. McGregor, D.M. Cowen, and C.E. Ford. 1962. Initiation of Immune Responses by Small Lymphocytes. Nature 196:651-55 In Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999, p.140.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1976 Nobel Prize
2. Blumberg, B. S. and N. M. Riddell. 1963. Inherited antigenic differences in human beta lipo-proteins. A second antiserum. J. Clin. Invest. 42: 867-875.
1. Holliday, R. 1964. A mechanism for gene conversion in fungi. Gen. Res. 5: 282-304.
1. Yanofsky, C., B.C. Carlton, J.R. Guest, D.R. Helinski, and U. Henning. 1964. On the colinearity of gene structure and protein structure. Proc. Nat'l. Acad. Sci. 51:266-74 In Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999, p.392.
1. J.M. Poston, K. Kuratomi, and E.R. Stadtman. 1964. Methyl-vitamin B12 as a source of methyl groups for the syntesis of acetate by cell-free of Clostridium thermoaceticum. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 112:804-06. InMicrobiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999, p.210.
1. Spiegelman, S., I. Haruna, I. B. Holland, G. Beaudreau, and D. Mills. 1965. The synthesis of a self-propagating and infectious nucleic acid with a purified enzyme. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 54: 919.
1. Englesberg, E., J. Irr, J. Power, and N. Lee. 1965. Positive control of enzyme synthesis by gene C in the L-arabinose system. J. Bact. 90: 946-957. In Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999, p.400.
1. Zuckerkandl, E., and L. Pauling. "Molecules as Documents of Evolutionary History." Journal of Theoretical Biology 8:357-366.
1. Smith, D. E., and B. N. Ames. 1966. Phosphoribosyladenosine monophosphate, an intermediate in histadine biosynthesis. J. Biol. Chem. 240: 3056-3063.
1. Beckwith, H. R.[sic] and E. T. Signer. 1966. Transposition of the lac region of E. coli. I. Inversion of the lac operon and transduction of the lacoperan by (phi)80. J. Mol. Biol. 19: 254. In Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999, p.414.
1. Bauer, A. W., W. M. M. Kirby, J. C. Sherris, and M. Turck. 1966. Antibiotic susceptibility testing by a standardized single disk method. Am. J. Clin. Path. 45: 493-496. In Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999, p.40.
1. Gilbert, W. and B. Muller-Hill. 1966. Isolation of the lac repressor. Proc. natl. Acad. Sci. USA 56: 1891-1898.
2. Ptashne, M. 1967. Isolation of the phage repressor. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 57: 306-313.
1. Quorum Sensing in Gram Negative Bacteria, ASM News 63, 1997. p.371.
2. Hastings, J. W., and Q. H. Gibson. 1967. The role of oxygen in the photoexcited luminescence of bacterial luciferose [Photobacterium fischeri] J. Biol. Chem. 242: 720-726.
1. Summers, W. C. and W. Szybalski. 1967. Y-Irradiation of deoxyribonucleic acid in dilute solutions: I. A sensitive method for detection of single-strand breaks of polydisperse DNA samples (bacteriophage, Sarcina lutea, Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Crytophaga johnsoni). J. Mol. Biol. 26: 107-123.
2. Summers, W. C. and W. Szybalski. 1967. Gamma-irradiation of deoxyribonucleic acid in dilute solutions: II. Molecular mechanisms responsible for inactivation of phage, its transfecting DNA, and bacterial transforming activity. J. Mol. Biol. 26: 227-235.
1. Diener, T. O. 1967. Potato spindle-tuber virus; a plant virus with properties of free nucleic acid. Science 158: 378-381.
1. Early Days in Yellowstone Microbiology, ASM News 64, 1998. p.137.
2. Brock, T. D. 1967. Micro-organisms adapted to high temperatures. Nature 214; 882-885.
3. Brock, T.D. 1967. Life at high temperatures. Science 158:1012-19. In Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999, p.214.
1. Collier, R. J. 1967. Effect of diphtheria toxin on protein synthesis: Inactivation of one of the transfer factors. J. Mol. Biol. 25: 83-89. In Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective, edited by Wolfgang K. Joklik, ASM Press. 1999, p.146.
1. Link to Nobel Prize website ( 1978 Nobel Prize
2. Arber, W. and U. Kehnlein. 1967. Mutational loss of B-specific restriction of the bacteriophage fd. Path. Micro. 30: 946-952.
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