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A part of MD-SOAR

Description of ScholarWorks@UMBC

ScholarWorks@UMBC is an institutional repository (IR) for scholarly and other professional works created by members of the UMBC community.  It is a part of the Maryland Shared Open Access Repository (MD-SOAR) initiative, a consortial institutional repository for institutions of higher learning throughout the state.

ScholarWorks@UMBC collects, preserves, and provides public access to the scholarly output of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). Community members can upload research products for rapid dissemination, global visibility and impact, and long-term preservation.

Contributors can share and preserve a wide range of research products, such as:

  • Articles, papers, books, and technical reports
  • Data and code
  • Supplemental material for journal articles
  • Presentations and posters
  • Theses and dissertations

Full list of formats

A permanent link is assigned to each item, making it easy for other researchers to find and cite your work. Statistics for views and downloads are available and all content is indexed by Google and Google Scholar. Depositing research in ScholarWorks@UMBC can help you satisfy data management and sharing requirements from the NSF, NIH, and other funding agencies and journals.