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New Staff Training Manual: Onboarding

Workspace Computing

Staff will each be assigned primary work computer and a Dell laptop. Individual computers are generally replaced every five years. Staff will have the choice of a Windows or Apple laptop or desktop. If a laptop is chosen, it will be that staff member's primary computer.  If requested, a laptop dock and basic peripherals (mouse, keyboard, monitor and speakers) will be provided.

All computers require administrative rights to upgrade or install new software. This is done primarily by Library IT (LITS). All software installed on Library computers must be licensed and registered software, shareware, or freeware. If staff are unsure about any particular piece of software, they should check with LITS.

The computer replacement policy does not cover printers and other peripherals beyond the standard mouse and keyboard. Printers will be replaced as needed – not on a fixed schedule. Individual desktop printers may be requested through department heads, but in most cases departmental printers will be the preferred option. Other peripherals may also be requested and will be provided on a case by case basis. 


Computer Disposal
Once a computer has been replaced and all necessary files, software, and settings have been transferred to the new computer, that computer will be moved to the LITS workroom to be deaccessioned. LITS will take all necessary steps in removing the computers from inventory.  As part of the disposal process, all computers will have their hard drives wiped. Any computer which may have contained sensitive information will have its hard drive shredded by DoIT.

First Month's Schedule

New Reference Department members will meet with the Head of Reference to discuss their initial schedule. The first four weeks should include:

  • Paperwork completion with Library Administration
  • Visit to Campus Card Office and Parking Services (if needed)
  • Campus tour with Library staff or the Admissions office
  • Time to set up office computer, space, and supplies and office computer
  • Set up of all needed UMBC accounts
  • Overview of Library and departmental communications and scheduling
  • Individual meetings with Reference librarians and staff
  • Meetings with other Library departments and units
  • Participation in a campus HR orientation session (virtual or in-person)
  • Overview of library resources (databases, collections, etc.)
  • Orientation to the Library instruction program
  • Orientation to working within the Reference On-call Model
  • 10 hours of scheduled Reference Desk observation and shadowing 
  • Orientation to library computing and documents management
  • Overview of collection management (Reference and subject areas)

First Year Goals

New employees in the Reference Department will meet with the Head of Reference to create their first year goals. These goals will reflect:

  • The previous experience of the new employee
  • The specific requirements of the job
  • Any special interests or areas of focus of the employee

The employee's goals are used by the employee and supervisor to monitor the employee's progress throughout the year, including the mid-year review and year-end review period.

Staff positions will be reviewed following the campus Performance Management Process (PMP).

Meetings with Reference Members

New Reference Department members will be scheduled to meet with all current subject librarians who act as liaison to academic departments. These meetings will allow the new employee to become exposed to the library resources supporting all of the academic departments on campus. 

Subject librarians are encouraged to:

  • Provide an overview of the primary databases supporting the discipline, with specific instruction in any particularly unusual or specialized tools.
  • Mention any specialized reference sources supporting the departments.
  • Discuss the types of questions we receive at through the on-call model and chat from the students within these departments.

Additionally, new employees will meet with other departmental staff to discuss their work and role in the Library and department.

Meetings with other Units and Departments

New Reference Department members will meet with other Library departments/units. These meetings will allow the new employee to become exposed to the workings of that department/unit, and how our departments interact and collaborate.

Departments/units are encouraged to:

  • Introduce the new employee to members of their unit/department.
  • Explain the structure of the unit/department and how it interacts with Reference.
  • Explain the responsibilities of the unit/department within the Library.

Reference Desk Shadowing

New Reference staff will shadow at One Desk Model/on-call system at least ten hours before they are scheduled alone. Shadowing involves observing the librarian/staff member on duty while they answer questions in person, on the phone, and online.

See the Reference Desk Shadowing Checklist for more details.

New employees should work with the Head of Reference to arrange for shadowing within the first four weeks of employment.

Relevant Accounts

The AOK Guest Accounts system allows staff  to generate temporary computer logins for non-UMBC patrons.

Guest account list managers (currently Katy and LITS staff) can add new staff to the system:

User > Manage LDAP Groups > Edit > add New Member

Request Tracker (RT) is the UMBC campus ticket system. The Library has a number of RT queues, including Library-Reference. This queue allows staff to view and answer reference email questions.
Requests to be added to the system can be sent through the DOIT - Information Technology queue:
Can you please add user edurham to the Reference RT queue?
She will be working on that queue, and she will also need to be able to add tickets to the following queues:

As queue administrator, Katy can add new staff to the Reference queue:
Log into RT > Admin > Groups > Select > Go to Group ACAF:Library-Reference Admin CC > Members > Add members > Add user 

Active Directory login access allows staff to log on to shared Reference computers (Reference Desk, consultation room, laptops).

Requests should be submitted through the Library-IT-Support RT queue.

New Reference staff are added to the Reference ( and Library Public Services ( email lists. This can be done by list owners (Katy) in Google Groups.

All new staff should be added to the all-staff list ( and Teresa Reese is the owner of these lists. 

Committee-specific email lists (such as ILWG, CIDE, and COSMO) are managed by committee officers. 

LibApps is the umbrella platform for four systems used by the Library:

  • LibAnalytics - track and manage Reference Desk, chat only, instruction, and outreach statistics
  • LibGuides - create and edit subject and course guides
  • LibCal -set up scheduling for research appointments, workshops, and library spaces
  • LibWizard - create and implement forms and surveys

New staff needed to be added to each system by a LibApps administrator (Katy, Joanna).  

The Library Staff Wiki contains departmental, committee, and group pages, as well as the Library Guidelines. UMBC has many campus pages on the wiki, as well. 

New Reference staff should be given access to both the campus and Library-wide (library-users-space) pages. Requests for access should be submitted through the DOIT-INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY RT queue.

Box is an online file sharing system that is used at UMBC. Box also allows for the easy sharing of files and folders with others.

A request for new staff access to Library folders should be made through Library-IT-Support RT queue. 

Service & Development

Maryland Library Association
The state library association, with divisions for academic libraries (ACRL MD), paraprofessionals, technical services, public services, and library management, among others. Frequent programs and workshops offered, posted on the MARYLIB listserv.

Maryland Information Literacy Exchange (MILEX)
A collaborative of Maryland academic librarians to promote information literacy in higher education.

American Library Association

Faculty Senate
Supports the success of faculty and students through its central role in the shared governance process. It speaks on behalf of the faculty in regards to faculty independence, promotion, tenure, and retention.

Nonexempt Staff Senate
Represents the interests and concerns of all levels of the nonexempt staff not otherwise represented by an exclusive bargaining agent.

Many campus workshops are advertised through myUMBC Training and by other relevant groups in myUMBC.

Faculty Development Center
The FDC supports educators in creating state-of-the-art undergraduate and graduate curricula delivered through innovative and effective approaches to teaching and learning.

Skillsoft E-Learning
Online courses available for staff and faculty on a wide variety of topics: computer applications, customer service skills, management/supervisory skills, interviewing techniques, HR regulations, accounting, project planning, sales, marketing, and many IT specific courses.

Tuition Remission within the USMAI for UMBC Employees

USMAI Consortium Groups
The USMAI consortium has established various types of communities to carry out the work of the consortium. Campuses send representatives to serve on the various task groups. 

Google Calendar

Reference staff are asked to share their calendars with other Reference members:

  • Go to 'Settings & Sharing' for your calendar
  • Go to 'Share with specific people'
  • Go to 'Add people' (NOTE: names must be added one at a time)
  • Change the Permission Settings to 'See all event details'
  • Click 'Save'

'Hide Details' are recommended share settings for your calendar with UMBC staff outside of the Reference Department:

  • Go to 'Settings & Sharing' for your calendar
  • Go to 'Access permissions'
  • Select 'Make available for UMBC'
  • Select 'See only free/busy (hide details)'
  • In the menu bar at the top of the page, click on 'Contacts'
  • Select all names that you want to add to the group
    • If a name doesn't appear in the list use the 'Add to My Contacts' button to search for the name
  • Click the 'Groups' button (the button will appear when you have selected at least one contact)
  • To add the contacts to an existing group, select the group name
  • To add the contacts to a new group type the new group name in the box at the top and then click 'Create New'
  • NOTE: If you have more that a couple of shifts in need of coverage (for example you're going on vacation), you can share a Google doc with the department listing the various shifts, and ask individuals to sign up. Once they do, add make the necessary changes in "reference on call and chat" calendar. If you have just a few shifts to offer, do it directly through Google calendars follows.
  • Log into your Google Calendar at
  • View the 'reference on call & chat' calendar (it should be listed under 'Other calendars')
  • Select the shift on the 'reference on call & chat' calendar which you want to offer
  • In the Add Guests section at the right of the page, enter to invite all members of the department, or enter the e-mail for each person you want to offer the shift to.
  • Click on the 'Find a Time' tab
  • Look for any conflicts and remove those Librarians with conflicts from the Guest list
  • Note: If the Librarian hasn't shared their calendar you will not be able to see if they are available for the desk shift
  • Save the event
    • If you are offering a shift from a repeating event, select 'Only this event'
    • When asked if you want to send invitations to guests, click on 'Send'
  • If possible, remove other people from the event when someone accepts the shift
  • When you receive an e-mail offering a desk shift you can select either 'Yes' or 'No' to indicate if you will accept the desk shift. This will add the on-call/chat shift to your calendar.
  • Make sure to check your calendar before accepting or declining a desk shift
    • On-call/chat shifts you have been offered will show up on your calendar with a question mark next to the time
    • Click on the question mark and next to 'Going?' select 'Yes' or 'No'
    • If you select 'Yes' the shift will be copied to your calendar
    • If you select 'No' the shift will appear faded in your calendar unless you have elected to not display events you have declined in your calendar settings. If you prefer to remove shifts you don't accept, click on 'Remove' instead of 'No'.
  • After accepting the shift, reply all to the email so that others know that the shift has been taken

    If you do not answer 'Yes' or 'No' the event will only show as 'busy' on other calendars


1. What units are in public service?

2. What are the steps to offer and accept a on-call/chat shift? 

3. What schools are in the USMAI system?