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New Staff Training Manual: Reference Services


ALA Reference & User Services Association (RUSA) defines reference services as:

Reference transactions are information consultations in which library staff recommend, interpret, evaluate, and/or use information resources to help others to meet particular information needs. Reference transactions can include informal instruction or exchanges that provide assistance with locations, schedules, equipment, supplies, or policy statements.

Reference work includes reference transactions and other activities that involve the creation, management, and assessment of information or research resources, tools, and services.

Conducting and Tracking Reference Services

The Reference department provides chat reference service through the Ask a Librarian button on the website. 

Chat Best Practices can be found here

The Library H3lp system lets patrons chat directly through our site ( Ask a Librarian or or text us at 410-762-4265 (that's 410-762-4AOK)

If you are staffing chat, log in at

  • Username: your UMBC username (i.e. sullivan)
  • Password: aok155 (unless you changed it with the "Change Password" action)

Instructions for getting started are available here: Libraryh3lp Getting Started


Reference staff provide "on call" reference/research service during set hours. On call occurs when a Circulation staff member at the Check Out Desk identifies a reference or research question and summons the Reference staff member scheduled for on call at that time. This request can be done by:

  • ringing a doorbell that rings in the Reference office (155)
  • sending a message via Ask a Librarian chat

The Reference staff member should meet the patron by the Research Help desk. There are two workstations at the Research Help desk that can be used to help the patron, or the staff member can work with the patron at a public machine or the patron's own device. 

Anyone scheduled to provide on-call service is also scheduled to provide chat service during those hours and should be logged into chat. On-call protocol while providing chat is outlined in the chat best practices.

It is important to be available to help during your scheduled on call hours. Make sure to be close enough to the office to hear the bell and see any messages in chat.  

Patrons are able to submit a reference question online through the Ask a Librarian service when chat is not being staffed.  A Reference staff member should respond within one business day.

The Library uses an online system called LibAnalytics to track all reference transactions (chat, on-call / in person, RT, email)

Best Practices

  • As needed, conduct a complete reference interview to get a full picture of the patron’s information need, the type of project involved, and the types of sources the patron is required to use or wishes to use.  Ask the patron to share with you any assignment requirements.
  • If you find that you are spending a great deal of time with a patron, consider encouraging them to make a research appointment with their subject librarian
  • If you are not able to help someone find needed information, try to provide a referral to a subject librarian, another library, or another unit on campus

The Department maintains Reference Services Best Practices

Guidelines for Behavioral Performance of Reference and Information Service Providers

The purpose of a reference interview is to help the staff member understand:

  • the patron's information need, including scope, direction, and any assignment requirements
  • what the patron has previously tried or done to solve this need
  • the patron's familiarity and comfort level with research, searching, and the AOK Library's website, search tools, and collections

Staff members should follow the general best practices outlined in the Department's Chat Best Practices

New employees are encouraged to closely observe patron interactions and to ask questions! If you are working with someone who is shadowing, please explain what you are doing as you address patron questions and report problems. 

Reference Services Shadowing Checklist


Patrons can print from any public computers (except when booted as Linux)
Patrons can print from any laptop or mobile device using Pharos MobilePrint
Patrons must release and pick up the print job at a print release station (RLC,1st Reference area, 2nd, or 7th floor)

Print cost:
Black and white: $0.10 per side
Color: $0.70 per side

Print payment:
Your UMBC Campus ID card is the only way to pay.

Adding money to a card:
Money can be added to a campus card by credit card in myUMBC (profile > campus card) or A 2.75% charge is added to all deposits.  Cash can be added at the Commons Information Desk. 


The library currently has 4 free, self-service scanners near the Print/Copy/Scan Center on the first floor of the Library

There are also 4 free, self-service iMac scanners near the Serials stacks on the second floor of the library

The Digital Media Lab in room 216H has a high-quality 12" x 17" scanner with an adapter for negatives and mounted slides

Reference Services

  • In the fall and spring Semesters, Reference on call and chat hours are Monday-Friday, 10 AM - 5 PM. An additional staff member covers chat 12 PM - 3 PM.
  • In the winter and summer semesters, Reference on call and chat hours may vary. Most recently, the schedule has been on call and chat from 10 AM - 3 PM, with chat-only going to 5 PM.
  • The Reference services schedule is generally set for the semester, though drastic circumstances (serious illness, calamity) may call for the schedule to be made on a week to week basis. This will be determined by the head of the Reference department.
  • Schedules can be found in Shared Reference > Reference Administration > Schedules.
  • Ensure continuity of reference services by being on time for your shift or informing the staff member on duty of your late arrival
  • When you are leaving a shift, tell the staff member coming on about any patrons you have assisted who may come back for help or of any technical issues with the public computers, printers or internet service
  • At the end of a shift if a staff member must leave right away and you are still assisting a patron:
    • Be sure to ask an oncoming staff member to take over a transaction
    • Explain to the patron that a shift change is taking place then ask them if it is okay for the oncoming staff to take over


Report problems with ebooks, online serials, and databases (including EDS) through the Library-Discovery & Serials queue 

Public computers in the Library are maintained by campus IT (DOIT).

Report problems through the DOIT - Technology Support Center web form:

For 1st floor library machines, check the machine before reporting (attempt to reboot, if time permits). If the machines needs service, report and add an "out of order" sign. 

Paper Jam / Needs Paper

Report to Circulation Department/Check Out Desk or ask for key to printers to resolve

Network Issue (Printer, Card Reader, or Pharos)

Report to Library IT (LITS) - or RT Library-IT Support queue

Report to Library IT (LITS) - or RT Library-IT Support queue

For 1st floor library machines, check the machine before reporting (attempt to reboot, if time permits). If the machines needs service, report and add an "out of order" sign. 

Building maintenance issues are reported through UMBC Asset Works

  • Issues may include functional problems with elevators, water fountains, bathroom facilities, electrical outlets, etc.
  • Emergency situations (overflowing toilet, leak in room, etc.) may require an immediate call to Facilities Management. Coordinate this with call with staff at the Check Out desk. 
  • Add signage to alert staff and patrons, if possible.

Useful Pages to Bookmark at Reference Desk

*If experiencing any difficulties with the above accounts contact Head of Reference


On rare occasions, a reference book may be checked out to a faculty member or student for a short period of time. 

General guidelines and procedures are available here.

1. Complete the Reference Book Check Out Form: call number, check out date, return date, staff name 

2. Loan period:

     Student: usually 48 hrs

     Faculty: use your discretion

3. Place completed form in the reference book and have the patron check out the book at the Check Out desk 



1. How can students add money to their ID cards?

2. How do you transfer a chat question to another staff member?