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Biosketches and CPOS in SciENcv

This Guide is about how to use myNCBI's SciENcv for the 2024 common forms (Biosketches and the Current, Pending, and Other Support report) new formats for NSF and NIH.

Adding Delegates

Adding a delegate allows a coordinator, administrator, or research assistant to create and manage content for you. 

After logging in to SciENcv, there should be a button with your username in the upper right. Click your username.



From the menu, choose Account Settings.


Screenshot of the user account menu with Account Settings highlighted


Scroll down to find the Delegates section. and click Add Delegate.


Screenshot including a button that reads Add delegate


Enter your delegate's email address in the resulting form, then click Save.


screenshot reading Add a Delegate and Enter the delegate's email address, then more text, then a Save button.


They will receive an automated email asking whether they confirm that they should be delegates on your account.

Be sure you know the correct email to delegate to! A departmental pre-award administrator who has agreed to enter your support information should be added by a shared school / college / departmental research administration unit email instead of individual person's address when possible. 

Delegates cannot certify documents. The final document certification stage must be completed by the PI / senior personnel who owns the Biosketch or CPOS document