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Arts & Humanities LibGuide Template

Recommended Images & Videos

[Note: It may make more sense for your discipline to provide separate tabs for Images and Videos, especially if you have several boxes worth of resources. If not, this tabbed Image and Video option may be more streamlined.

For the Images tab, consider: 

  • Limit this to the top 5-7 resources for your subject area.
  • List resources in order of importance not alphabetical order.
  1. Use the "Add Database" command at the bottom of the page to add links to article databases and resources.
  2. Search for the resource you would like to use.  If the database you want to add isn't in the A-Z list, and you think it will be used in multiple places, please add it in the Databases Asset section (Click Assets in the Content menu)


  • ARTstor contains many cross-disciplinary image collections.  You may want to reference particular collections of interest for your subject area.
  • To see potential image resources listed by subject area visit ALA Connects Digital Images Collections Guide. When reviewing image resources please give priority to those that allow easy downloading and free access for educational use.]

[Tailor the content on the Videos tab for the specific subject discipline. You may want to consider the following: 

  • Limit this to the top 5-7 resources for your subject area. 
  • List resources in order of importance not alphabetical order
  1. Use the "Add Database" command at the bottom of the page to add links to databases and resources.
  2. Search for the resource you would like to use.  If the database you want to add isn't in the A-Z list, and you think it will be used in multiple places, please add it in the Databases Asset section (Click Assets in the Content menu)

Media Librarian Tip: Check out our Streaming Resources guide to find streaming resources relevant to your subject area.]


Browse available Media Genre Lists here:


Check out our Streaming Resources guide to find streaming resources relevant to your subject area.

Search for DVDs and VHS