Books: For any major event or social movement you will find there are both published secondary (many) and primary (fewer) sources - how you search is crucial. Individual names can be used to search for both- either as author (for primary sources) or subject (secondary sources). Use CATALOGUSMAI (for resources in the USM libraries) .
Use this quick quide for help in locating ebooks in the UMBC collections.
[Primary source] Stanton, Elizabeth Cady [as author] : Selected Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony : Their Place Inside the Body-Politic, 1887 to 1895 (Rutgers University Press, 2009)
[Secondary source] Stanton, Elizabeth Cady [as subject]: "Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the feminist foundations of family law" / Tracy Thomas (NYU Press 2016)
General searching for secondary sources can be done using this search or similar in the Books, Media advance search tab:
Representative results (all ebooks) include:
After Slavery : Race, Labor, and Citizenship in the Reconstruction South [Baker, Kelly, Foner, 2013]
The Haymarket Conspiracy : Transatlantic Anarchist Networks [Messer-Kruze, 2012]
The Chinatown War : Chinese Los Angeles and the Massacre of 1871 [Zesch, 2012]]
Censoring Racial Ridicule : Irish, Jewish, and African American Struggles Over Race and Representation, 1890-1930 [Kibler, 2015]
A New Moral Vision : Gender, Religion, and the Changing Purposes of American Higher Education, 1837-1917 [Turpin, 2016]
Unconventional Politics : Nineteenth-Century Women Writers and U.S. Indian Policy [Dean, 2016]