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HIST 496: Protest, Unrest, and Change in American History

News and Updates

Current situation as of Aug. 20, 2020

Print resources in this guide have been removed to reflect that only online resources will be readily available for the Fall semester.  Limited contactless check-out from our library and the some other USM libraries began on Aug. 17, be aware there may be significant time delays even if requests are successful. Curbside pickup instructions.

Interlibrary Loan is available and functioning on a limited basis: articles and book chapters (NOT whole books) can be requested and are being processed successfully IF the material is available digitally (requests made by using the Find It links in our databases usually have few issues). No requests for hard copy of any sort (print books, microfilm) are being processed. 

Questions about the availability of specific book titles or material can be emailed to,. Please check the catalog first before writing. General questions can be asked through Chat on the library website and pop-up box. Questions about material in Special Collections can be sent to speccoll@umbc.edis epcu