Sustainablity Librarians group on LinkedIn
Discussion group on LinkedIn for librarians interested in environmental sustainability.
Sustainable libraries: Rebekka Smith Aldrich's blog and other resources about sustainability and green design in libraries, including posts about her regular LibraryJournal column, conferences and other events, new publications, and general thoughts.
Sustainablity RT Blog. The official blog of the ALA Sustainability Round Table, updated regularly with book reviews and recommendations, events, member information, etc.
Green Libraries: A Website for Information about Green and Sustainable Libraries. Maintained by Monika Antonelli at Minnesota State University, this is "a website dedicated to documenting the greening of libraries in North America. This site contains a growing list of libraries that are constructing green buildings. It also contains a list of resources to help people make their libraries more green and sustainable."
Charney, M. & Aldrich, R. S. (Fall 2016). Sustainable building design. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship "The intended audience for this webliography is librarians, both in the sciences and in other disciplines, and others that are new to the field such as students and members of the general public who are interested in this topic. Sustainable building practitioners may find parts useful as well. The general resources provide a starting point for researching the sustainable building movement, while the remaining resources cover specific subtopics: building techniques; design processes; indoor environmental quality; water use; directories; forums; professional associations; and certification programs, standards, and codes. This resource is applicable to researching industrial, commercial, residential, and community-based buildings."
Sustainablity and Libraries LibGuide. This LibGuide was first created for the Libraries Build Sustainable Communities project in 1999-2001, and is being maintained by ALA.