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Other Author Identifiers

Selected Author Identifiers

Product  Type Registration  
Open Identifiers      
(International Standard Name Identifier)
From ISNI International Agency;  ISO (International Organization for Standardization) certifie ISNI gets data from many sources. Search existing IDs on the search page. Apply for an ISNI.
  • Very broad in scope. Includes IDs for authors, researchers, artists, performers, publishers and more.
  • Used primarily for identifying organizations, authors of books, and researchers for a limited number of EU countries
Proprietary Identifiers      

Researcher ID

Proprietary - From Thomson Reuters

ResearchIDs are Publons--register here:

  • Integrated with Web of Science and will link your publications in that database to your ID.
  • Can manually add publications not included in Web of Science or import them from another source.
Scopus Author Identifier From Elsevier Identifier automatically assigned to all authors indexed in Scopus
  • Articles indexed in Scopus only.
Google Scholar Citations From Google

From Google Scholar click My Profile and login to your Google account. After entering information into your profile Google will retrieve articles likely to be authored by you. Articles can then be added to your profile (in groups and/or individually.)

  • Items indexed by Google Scholar only.
Repository Identifier      
arXiv Author IDs From arXiv

Used to accurately identify contributors to arXiv, an electronic archive of research articles in the sciences maintained by the Cornell University Library. arXiv authors opt-in to create an author ID on the create an author identifier page.

  • Currently links to articles indexed in arXiv only.
  • To see what services arXiv offers based on their identifiers see their author identifiers help page.