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This guide provides an overview of the research process. There are short videos to guide you through the process of brainstorming a research question, searching for sources, citing sources, and how to get help.

Library Support for ENGL100


Reference and Instruction librarians provide resources and support for the ENGL100 program at UMBC. This instruction focuses on helping students navigate the Library's OneSearch to find articles and resources for their course assignments such as the Annotated Bibliography. 


The library instruction support consists of: 

  1. An asynchronous Library Module is automatically loaded into every ENGL100 Blackboard course shell each semester. The module provides an overview of the research process and using the library search. It contains several brief video tutorials and 10 scored questions, and should take students about 30-40 minutes to complete. As the professor, you can decide to assign it to your students by checking the visibility settings in Blackboard and specifying a due date for it.
  2. This online ENGL100 resource with video tutorials about using the Library search, brainstorming a research topic, citing sources, and how to get research help. This content is the same as in the Blackboard module, but without the embedded quiz.
  3. The Library also provides in person instruction for ENGL100 classes. This 45 minute visit includes an overview of the library search and a discussion activity that builds upon content introduced in the module. Please visit the instruction page to schedule these classroom visits. 

We welcome students to set up individual research appointments with a librarian afterward if they still need assistance. 


Thank you for your interest!