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LGBTQ+ Research Guide

Welcome to the LGBTQ+ Research Guide!

Welcome to the LGBTQ+ research guide in the UMBC Special Collections. This guide contains photobooks, science fiction books, alternative press materials, and other digital resources pertaining to the subject of LGBTQ+ experience. This guide will navigate LGBTQ+ history in Baltimore, as well as explore instrumental resources inside and outside of UMBC. The goal with this research guide is to provide accessible LGBTQ+ resources for queer and non-queer folk alike who seek to learn more about LGBTQ+ experiences and archival materials. 

Relevant Collections at UMBC:

  • Alternative Press Center collection:  back issues of the titles collected by the Alternative Press Center (APC) from its beginning to five years prior to the current year (e.g. if the year is now 2015, we have up to 2010). The APC is a non-profit collective dedicated to providing access to and increasing public awareness of the alternative press.
  • Azriel Rosenfeld Science Fiction Book Collection:  contains hardback and softback books, including many first editions by significant writes such as Ray Bradbury, Arthur C. Clarke, Harlan Ellison, Ursula LeGuin, and Brian Daly. For the purposes of this guide, the Rosenfeld collection contains queer and LGBTQ+ stories spanning time, space, and identity.
  • Edward L. Bafford Photography Book Collection: The Bafford Collection holdings include books and serials on the history and development of photography as an aesthetic medium with a special emphasis on photography as a social force. Collection includes books by and about individual photographers, schools of photography, exhibition catalogues and the primary journals. For the purposes of this guide, the Bafford collection contains queer and LGBTQ+ photographs and artists.
  • Click here to learn more about LGBTQ+ Resources at UMBC's Special Collections