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Open Access: Open Access Publishing

License for Cornell University Content

Except for the sections on Creative Commons Licenses, The Public Domain, and Copyright, this Libguide Page has been borrowed from the Cornell University Library Open Access Publishing: Where to Publish page. It's licensed under a  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


LNDL License

The Sections on Creative Commons Licenses, The Public Domain, and Copyright have been borrowed from the Loyola Notre Dame Library Copyright Information Center Research Guide and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.

How to Make Your Research Open Access

There are 2 primary ways to make your publications open access.:

1. Publish in open access journals.  See Finding Open Access Journals, here and Predatory Journals and Conferences, here

2. Deposit your publication in an open access repository, such as ScholarWorks@UMBC. This process is called "self-archiving." Deposit your new works as you finish them. Deposit your older works retroactively. Follow these steps:

Want to know more?

This infographic shows how researchers can make their work publicly available, free and legally.

Finding Open Access Journals


    ROAD synthesizes information about open access journals from a number of sources. Its base is a subset of the ISSN registry. Users may browse to find open access journals by country or by subject. Users may also search for an open access title by name, ISSN number, subject, or other concept.

  • OAISter
  • OpenDOAR
  • BASE
  • Google Scholar
  • PLoS
    Creative Commons licensed science journals.
  • BioMed Central
    Creative Commons licensed medical journals.

Finding Open Access Journal Articles

  • Ulrichsweb Serial Directory. A source of detailed information on more than 300,000 periodicals (also called serials) of all types: academic and scholarly journals, e-journals, peer-reviewed titles, popular magazines, newspapers, newsletters, and more.

  • Pubmed Central. A free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM). 

  • arXiv. An open-access pre-print repository of articles in the sciences.

  • bioRxiv. An open-access pre-print repository of biology articles.

  • medRxiv. An open-access pre-print repository of health sciences articles.

Open Access Repositories

Depositing your work in an open access repository is another way to share your research.  Be careful to comply with copyright and licensing restrictions when uploading your published work.  Repositories may be institutional, like ScholarWorks@UMBC, or discipline-specific.

Publisher Copyright Policies

What happens to my copyrights for my own published work? Every publisher has different policies in regards to self-archiving and your subsequent use of your published work. The SHERPA/RoMEO database provides a searchable collection of publisher policies--check here when deciding where to publish.

Where to Deposit Data for Open Access

Data sharing is increasingly important in research and now often mandated by funding agencies. You can deposit your data in ScholarWorks@UMBC. However, there are many discpline-specific data repositories, many of which are open access, and using one of them may increase the chances that your data wil be found and re-used.  Here are some resources for finding open access repositories in which to deposit your datasets:

  • re3data is a global list of data repositories. Be sure to read the terms of submission before attempting to deposit to see if there are limitations on who can deposit or fees.             
  • Dryad is a data-sharing intitive that partners with publishers to host research data underlying scientific and medical publications.There is a fee for depositing data into Dryad.

You can make your research open access by publishing in an open access journal, or depositing your publication in an open access repository like ScholarWorks@UMBC.