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Paying for Open Access Publication and Data Sharing

Paying for Data Storage and Sharing

Most data can be stored on your laptop and shared in a free data repository (free data repositories). If you have big data or protected data, there may be costs associated with storing your data while your research is in progress and after it’s completed. Those costs should be included in your grant. However, you can’t continue making payments to store and share data after grant funding has ended.  One option is Figshare Plus which charges a one-time fee based on file size (projects requiring less than 20 GB of storage are free) that can be paid before the end your grant period to share your data  indefinitely. You can also contact DoIT for possible solutions, but note that they may require that you pay a fee.

Note that even if your data can't be place in a data repository, your funder will still require that you provide information about your data a data repository that's indexed by Google Dataset search so that other research can learn that it exists and request access to it.