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UMBC Open Access Agreements

This LibGuide goes over UMBC's current Open Access Publishing Agreements in detail..

Open Access Publishing Agreements

The UMBC Library participates in some open-access publisher agreements that are available to UMBC authors. 

For questions or more information on participating in the following open-access publisher agreements, please contact Digital Scholarship Services Librarian, Michelle Flinchbaugh,, or the Associate Director for Technical Services, Lynda Aldana,

Association for Computer Machinery (ACM)

Publishing Agreement Name: Association for Computer Machinery (ACM)

Journals Covered by Agreement: Entire ACM Digital Library

Available APC Tokens: Unlimited

General APC Charges: $700 - $1,800

Manuscript Eligibility: All fully peer-reviewed research articles newly published in ACM’s magazines, conference proceedings and journals are eligible.

Author Eligibility: Corresponding Author must be associated with UMBC.

Author Submission Guide: Link to ACM OPEN Author Experience

Springer Nature

Publishing Agreement Name: Springer Nature

Journals Covered by Agreement: 2,286 Springer titles, 21 Adis titles, and 47 Palgrave Macmillan titles.

Nature branded titles and fully open access journals are not covered. Nature branded titles are any of the Springer Nature titles that begin with the word "Nature."

Available APC Tokens: Unlimited

General APC Charges: $1040 - $6,890

Manuscript Eligibility: All fully peer-reviewed research articles newly published in Springer journals.

Author Eligibility: Corresponding Author must be associated with UMBC.

Author Submission Guide: Open Access Agreement for Lyrasis

​SCOAP3 (particle physics journals)